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Detective Phillips
I pull us out of the boys room and we head to the security office. I want them to make sure we know who tries to visit this kid. He is talking about having a Mistress as in a dominatrix and not what a married man might have. I saw Steels eyes widened when he mentioned his mistress would be mad if he spoke about anything. So I know she knows what he meant. I get to the security area and they seem a bit lax for a huge hospital with a lot of major things inside it. I show them my badge and Steele shows hers. She shakes her head at the way one of them scrolls her body.
Security Green
Can I help you Detectives?
Detective Phillips
Yes, one stop checking out my partner it is disrespectful. Two we need someone monitoring the kid n room 222wwcw for anyone who visits him. We also need someone guarding him 24/7. Has his parents shown up? He turns to another monitor and keys up just after they put the boy in his room and we watch as a blonde older bimbo tries to enter the room with two very big young boys. The nurse prevents them from entering. I ask if we can have a copy of the footage from the time he arrived and today. Just as he is about to start the process, his screen shows she is back and no one is there to stop her from entering the room. We run along with Green to his room. Steele is about halfway there when we hear a code go out on the floor the boy is on.
Detective Steele
Okay I am running like hell and so is dr Grey, she looks at me and we are both headed to the boys room and arrive at the same time. She tells me to wit outside while they treat the boy. I notice the three people we saw on the screen slither through the doors to the stairs. I point it out to Phillips. I take chase and am too late they go away from me. I arrive and they have discovered a needle on the floor in the boys room.
Dr Grey
Ana what's going on? We just got the boy stable and he was talking and now he is unconscious again. We found this needle when we ran in for a code. We were able to counteract the drug quickly.
Detective Steele
I am working this case along with my boss here.
Detective Phillips
I am her boss, and yes she is a detective a very young one.
Dr Grey
No kidding, a prodigy are you Ana?
Detective Steele
Not really, just good at this type of work. We saw a blonde visiting the boy with two other boys while we were in security. Do you know who that might be?
Dr Grey
I am sorry I didn't see them, and no ones mentioned any visitors.
Detective Phillips
We know an older blonde and two boys have attempted to visit him before today and this time they got in while no one was at the nurses stations. We were in security when we saw her and came here immediately. They escaped down the staircases before we could get them.
Security Green
I will be having guards on this room 24/7 it seems this blonde and her boys are trying to kill this boy.
Dr Grey
Good idea, well if we are done I need to be somewhere else. Ana don't forget lunch tomorrow.
Detective Steele
Sure thing Grace. Noon?
Three hours earlier
Blonde Bimbo????Aka Mistress
I thought you two were making sure he couldn't talk, meaning he was not going to be talking ever again. Then I find out he is alive and talking to detectives. James you will be watching as I show you what I am going to do to you after I punish Eric for not following my orders.
I watch as my Mistress uses a whip on a very sensitive part of Eric's anatomy he is writhing as she stops and whips his already bleeding back over and over. I am ordered to take him down. She hangs me up in the cuffs and does the same to me.
This will never happen again, this bitch is going down. I may be a foster child and my parents are trying to get me back, even they haven't hurt me this badly. Now if I can just make it out of here and call the police. I am going to have to drag James out of here. I may never be able to have use of my favorite part after today.
Blonde Bimbo Aka Mistress
Now go clean up and put on the clothes here and toss the others in a dumpster on your way home. Don't let anyone see your wounds. Use this and these bandages. Now go and make it fast I am expecting guests. I have a new sub coming tonight and need them gone so I can clean this room and get dressed in my full attire.  I start my cleaning up and finally get done. I start up the stairs and find my living room totally destroyed and the boys clothes laying on my bed. Omg I throw them off and replace my bedspread. I can't call the cops, how would I explain how someone did this while I was here with the alarms on and didn't hear it or see anything. They definitely will pay for this.
I flag down a car and ask for help please. It is an older man driving his boss to his parents home. He tells us his mother is a dr and can look at us and if necessary get us to the hospital.
Sir those boys need medical attention, we can have your other look at them and we can take them to the ER if needed.
Christian Grey
Pick them up Taylor let's get them to my parents. You don't think Elena did this do you?
You know her propensity for young boys. You were one of them.
I dial mom and ask her to be ready for some injured boys.
Dr Grey
Where did they come from?
We found them near Elena's house. I think you need to get the cops involved on this mom.
Dr Grey
Let's see them first and then go from there. I can call in the detectives working on the case at the hospital.
What case and who are the detectives?
Dr Grey
I can't speak about the boy, but the detectives are Phillips and Steele.

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