Hyde And Christy Found Guilty

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I am so happy the trials are over and done with, Christian and I have been seeing each other as often as we can. Elliott with my help has bought the church and it's land and has started revamping the neighborhood and really doing wonderful things. I volunteered to help on my down time. Christian has as well while his security watch him try not to hammer his thumbs. Kate has gotten some of her friends involved.
I never knew this church was up for sale and it is in the poorest areas and can use all the help we can give it along with helping special needs kids we can put the kids in the neighborhood to work on helping their families rebuild. This will revitalize this neighborhood and Ana brought it to my attention. The church needed a lot, but we not only got it done we got breaks on taxes and we were able to get the transportation with that money. I have allowed my crews to expand the repairs to the whole neighborhood and encouraged the families to get involved into simple repairs. We actually found some people who knew how to do the work they just needed the money to get their certifications. Once they did we hired them and put them to work in their own neighborhoods. I was approached to let someone write a story about me saving the church and the neighborhood. I declined and offered them a different story without my name involved about how the people of this neighborhood are coming together to make it better with some assistance of an unknown source. Christian and my family do not do this for the publicity, we do it because there is a need for it. The only publicity should be for those who have struggled to bring back areas to a better place for people to live and raise their kids in.
I see all the wonderful work done by the whole neighborhood. I thought Hyde was out of my life until a young lady approached me with a small baby crying it's eyes out. How she knew who I was and where I was is beyond me.
Felicity Arvin
I just had Hyde's baby, since I don't be,I eve in abortion and I don't want to contact Hyde regarding his child because he raped me after drugging me, the baby is my proof of it all. I saw his picture recently and knew they would believe me now about him dragging and raping me. I decided to take Frankie and catch up with detective Steele at the construction site. She's the reason so many of Hyde's victims have came forward. So I am going to tell her my story.
I listen, only after we get her baby food and herself. She looks like she is living on the street. I ask her if she is homeless and she said her folks threw her out and didn't believe her when she said she was raped. I tell Christian we need to help this girl in anyway we can and have her press charges against Hyde as well.
I watch as Ana is talking to a frantic looking skinny to the point of looking starved woman. The poor baby is crying it's eyes out. Ana takes her in hand and asks me to drive us to get baby's formula and listen to this girls woes. I call and get something st up for Felicity to stay in one of our corporate apartments and we head out to buy food, clothing, baby things and furniture for the child. The things for the baby was priority. Felicity just asked for her baby to eat and nothing more. I had Gail help the girl with everything and we have taken the whole day getting her and the baby fed and moved into the apartment. Frankie finally succumbing to sleep allowed Felicity to eat, then we talked for a while about her education and the fact Hyde got her blackballed from getting another job after she was fired from her job, he used his office to slander her good name. Being a public defender they believed him without actually checking. Sadly she couldn't sue for this, because her boss was a friend of Hyde's and he owed Hyde. I suspect there is more to that story. Her boss is lying and I am having him investigated. Taylor has his minions running ragged today. Ana and I have been dating for three months now and I am thinking about asking her to move in with me. At first she was skittish about making love to me, but we moved at her pace and finally we are doing very well. So well in fact I am sure she is my soulmate.
Ana and everyone has been so kind to me, I just need to work soon.
I can have Ana look and see if the precinct has any openings available.
I was hoping to work closely with you.
Listen I am not interested and I think you working closely with me is never going to happen. Ana comes in and looks at us and she can tell it is bad. Felicity looks guilty and I look mad.
Listen Felicity don't make another play for my man again. We are trying to help you and you are trying to help yourself to my man. I help and get other to help you and Frankie and this is how you pay me back. I could easily have someone take the boy from you, but instead I make the stupid decision to help you. Are you clear where we stand now? From now on we will have Gail and Taylor as contacts with you. Don't contact either myself or Christian again, you lost our friendship. Sadly I will miss Frankie he is a good baby, but Gail and Taylor will see to anything you or he might need from now on out.

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