A Death To Remember

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Elena Lincoln
How dare Carrick and Grace Grey refuse my calls. I have no attorney now. No one wants have anything to do with me at my time of need. The finally get me a public defender some brunette with a long ponytail and grey eyes, her name is Rebecca Homes. I tell her they have everything wrong and I need to be released now.
Public Defender Rebecca Homes
Listen mrs Lincoln they have you dead to rights if I were you I would plead out and serve the time. Otherwise you will be serving a lot more time and the longer this trial goes on who knows how many more victims will come forward to testify against you.
Listen you little runt do your job and get me out on bail now.
PD Homes
I laugh and tell her to keep that attitude up and she will be getting the bottomed the barrel. Jack Hyde is the worse PD ever. He doesn't do any work at all. He jut collects a check. I think I will pass it along to him after your snarky mouth. I get up and leave the blonde bimbo pedophile to her own devices. I explain to my boss that my client doesn't want a plea bargain and I feel she is holding my age size and sex against me. I haven't ever complained about someone, so he lets me off of her case and gives me a harder case. I don't mind harder cases, but he means something else. It was his way of giving me a flasher in a trench coat. I laugh as I leave and he says you know you are handing Hyde a career maker. I tell him, not really that's a sinking boat considering the principles that are asking for the prosecutions. The Grey family are helping the victims. I hear him say oh crap as I leave smiling and thinking Hyde's career sexually harassing his female coworkers will soon be over. If he could use his cleverness in defending his clients rather than overtly harassing his females coworkers he would possibly be my boss. Thank God he's not.
Jack Hyde
I was hoping for a quiet week, but my boss put me on the Lincoln case. She has already angered a few people here. Well I don't put up with crap from snobby criminals. I walk in looking like hell after someone kneed me in the nads last night. Her boyfriend left her alone so I took it upon myself to join her, she got up and tried to leave to tell the manager about me annoying her. When I stopped her she kneed me and called for help. I was thrown out and asked to never come back again. When I tried to go back in the bouncer threw my coat at me and said, listen I know you are a Public Defender and Hyde you lost my brothers case by not doing your job. So don't test me. Your boss is on my speed dial. I finally sit in front of mrs Lincoln with the huge files on her case. Okay this is a major case. I ask her what they have charged her with, you know so I don't have to look through the charges myself. She says they have accused her of being a pedophile and assault on minors. I look at her and think what stupid teenage boy would go near that? But hey teen boys can be idiots when sex is involved.
When can you get me out on bail?
Never. I read the charges and look at who the drs are and the detectives. Hmm Steele that is one hot piece. I am liking this case better and better, I think I am going to give Steele a call and talk in private about this case. I dial her number and she answers.
Detective Steele here. I tell Phillips Hyde wants to chat with me privately about mrs Lincolns case and laugh. Listen mr Hyde you and I will never ever be alone in a room without my partner or your boss present.
Excuse me but for my client to get a fair trial I believe you will be answering my questions and now. She says well I will answer your questions but you and I will not be alone in a room when I do it. I demand it.
Demand all you want, but according to my boss I am not allowed to be alone with anyone when being asked questions regarding any case because I am a new detective and those are the rules.
We will see about that dumb rule. Dammit she's on to me. Okay Mrs Lincoln your best bet would be pleading guilty on all charges and serving the time instead of wasting tax payers money. They have you dead to rights here. Think about it while I look through the evidence. You will be taken to prison and I will be in touch when they schedule your trials.
You will get me out right now. Do your job and get me out on bail. Why are you laughing at me?
Because you are truly an idiot, first you committed your crimes in your own home and you have visual evidence of all of the crimes along with witnesses and medical evidence of such crimes. Not only did you screw yourself and the boys and girls, but you screwed your friends and your friends children. You also don't discriminate you choose poor and rich to screw up. You think that you are getting off these charges you are so deluded. I can't get you off on mental deficiency, because clearly you aren't. All I can say is don't talk about your crimes in prison or jail. I have to catch up with a beautiful detective.
He takes the dolly with the four boxes and leaves telling the guard to transfer me to the prison until my trial. I am waiting when I see one of my cell mates is Carl Anderson's mother. She is talking to James and Eric's mother. We are all in the holding cell getting ready to be transported to prison. I am not looking at anyone, which was my mistake. I feel something cold on my neck then see blood running from my neck down until I see darkness. I see red and black then flames burning my skin yet I am not on fire. My worse nightmare has came true I never believed in heaven or hell, but I do now.
Seattle Times
The notorious Elena Lincoln who according to sources has been found dead in a holding cell this morning. They have no witnesses as to how she fell and hit her throat which caused her to bleed out. She was in the corner when found this morning. She was supposed to be transported to prison when they found her. Her fellow females thought she was just sleeping. If you have see. Those holding cells you can see there's not a lot of space, so it's possible to trip and get injured in them and no one noticing.
Oh good Lord, she didn't make it to trial.
Detective Steele we need to talk privately about mrs Lincoln's case.
Don't you read the papers? Your clients dead. You and I have nothing to discuss now. So go see your other clients. I am sure they need your private chats. Do not ever come and demand me chat in private again. I know all about you. Don't forget I carry a gun, unlike your other victims.
Everyone in the office is clapping, I will make this bitch pay for that.
Ray Steele
Ana is this creep bothering you? Hyde you think about doing anything to my niece and you will meet the same fate as your client.
And who are you?
I am her uncle and I know a few ladies who have relatives out for your blood all friends of mine. It is a matter of time before you are in a holding cell. I hear you keep insisting on talking to my niece alone and she has told you NO, NO, NO, NO. What don't you understand about the word no?
Okay I get it, no means no. I head off when I get a call from my boss asking me to join him alone in his office.

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