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"NAMJOON, PAY THE MAN." Jimin said as he picked up Taehyung and went to the living room where the others were.

He place Taehyung down and started to play with him as other joined too.

"Wouldn't it be better if we all went onto the bed?" Hoseok ask, Jimin soon later walked in, holding Taehyung's shirt and playing with it.

"I can't believe Taehyung was bitching about how a good father he will be when he gets a dog but here is in getting fucked and not caring about Yeontan." Yoongi said, holding the dog in his arms and put him down only for him to run to Taehyung.

"Sorry Tannie, your daddy is very busy right now." Jimin said as he picked up Yeontan and went to the kitchen and give him a treat.

"So no one is answering my question?" Namjoon ask as Jin groaned.

"Well not all of us are fucking Taehyung, don't think he could take five dicks at once," Jin said as Taehyung made a noise in agreement.

"One of us are gonna bottoming with Tae." Jin said as Jimin started to shout over in the kitchen.

"Yoongi is doing that!" He yelled as Yoongi's ears turned pink.

"Cool, tonight is gonna get wild." Namjoon said.

"Can you guys shut up and fuck me!" Taehyung whined as he later got what he wanted.


"Cookie, do you think I've got a chance wihh them?" Jungkook ask, looking at his bunny.

Cookie just stared at her owner and twitch her noise making her owner giggle.

"Should I text them? Or should I do that rule and wait for three days." Jungkook ask again, holding Cookie's paws as his music came on and started to move the bunny as if he is dancing.

"Can't believe Jihyo said it's weird to listen to Christmas songs in September. You don't find it weird don't you, Cookie?" Ask Jungkook as he still danced with the bunny but she still twitch her noise.

Jungkook out down Cookie's paws and lower the music and got his phone.

"I'm gonna do it, I'm going to text them, but which one or should I do a group chat?" He ask himself as he bit his lip.

"Maybe a group chat so I don't text them individually." Jungkook said as he made a group chat.

"Name, I need a name." He said as he started to think of a name for the group chat.

"Um. Seven dorks? Seven idiots? God I don't know!" Jungkook whined as he threw himself in the bed.

Jungkook widen his eyes as he thought of a name.

Seven. That's it, yes it may be lame but that's all he could think of. Maybe seven dorks was better but he was the only dork there.


Jungkook: hello.
Jungkook: I don't know if you guys are busy or not, but I'll love to meet you guys. Someday.
Jungkook: text me when you get this message.

Jungkook smiled as he put his phone down and put his volume up.

"Last Christmas, I give you my heart and the very next day you gave it away!" Jungkook belted out as he started dancing.

"This year! To save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special! Special ohhh~" He sang out loud, that he didn't notice his sister staring in awed as she crossed her arms.

Jungkook opened his eyes and stopped jumping as he felt like someone was staring. Jungkook seen his sister staring so he lowered the song and blushed.

"Why did you stop? That was good, no wonder them guys like you." Jihyo said as Jungkook smiled.

"Talking about them, I texted them." Jungkook said as Jihyo started fangirling.

"Really! Did they get back?" She aks as Jungkook shook his head.

"No, no yet." He said as Jihyo nodded.

"They will soon, now put up the volume so we can vibe!" She said as Jungkook chuckled as he did that.

They two started belting the lyrics and  started dancing as Cookie watched them, maybe judging them but we will never know.

A/N: hiya! Felt bored once again and I am watching Christmas movies which is why there is 'Last Christmas' by Wham here.

Yes, I know its September, don't judge me, I love Christmas! And I did listen to Christmas songs, but I rather have Christmas then Halloween, sorry!

I'll update tomorrow hopefully, most likely will because I get bored easily and update something. I hope you all having a great time!

I purple you all! 💜💜💜💜

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