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It was a nice sunny day in Paris, France. All Parisians walked down the street either with their friends or family as the wind caressed their faces.

Others were visitors from different parts of the world, exploring the historical sites and landscapes of France's capital. Like the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, the Latin Quarter or Pont Alexandre III.

Meanwhile, a school bus stopped in front of an opera house called the Opera Populaire.

Kaylee and Emma stepped out of the bus with their backpacks on their backs.

Their Homeroom teacher stepped out and said "Alright, everyone. We'll be splitting into groups."

Shortly after being split into groups, Emma and Kaylee walked up the grand stairs of the Opera Populaire "This seemed like a nice field trip." Emma commented

Kaylee snickers as they both turned down the hallway, down the stage area "You thought that it wasn't a good idea?"

Emma shakes her head "No, you and I both know that we're both open to new ideas. Besides I know that you're French teacher assigned Le Fantôme de l'Opéra just a few days ago, I've seen you reading it with such excitement in your eyes."

Kaylee blushes Crimson red from embarrassment.

Emma snickers and starts running for her life as Kaylee chases after her not to far behind Emma, screaming like a banshee


"YOU GOTTA CATCH ME FIRST, SHORT STACK!" Emma laughed as Kaylee screamed once more out of rage, discarding all the strange stares she and her sister had gotten and booking it down the entire backstage area.

Kaylee lost Emma around the hallway with the dressing rooms. She looked around more ticked off than ever, huffing, she thought 'I swear, I'm going to kill her once I find her.' She thought

She found herself in front of the Prima Donna dressing room, opening the door and stepping inside silently and closing the door behind her shut. Kaylee takes deep breaths and slid down to the ground with her back against the door, trying to soothe her anger.

Suddenly she heard music...

Like something she had never heard of before...

'It sounds like a violin.' Kaylee thought as she stood up. She looked towards the mirror and saw a man wearing a white half porcelain mask, holding out his gloved hand out towards her.

She walked towards the mirror and just as she was about to take his hand, gunshots were heard from a distance followed by sounds of screaming. Kaylee was alerted by the sound, snapping her head towards the door.

Kaylee ran out of the Prima Donna dressing room and takes off her backpack. She takes out her pistols that she had taken with her and straps them to her legs. Then puts on the belt of all the clips of ammunition she somehow managed to bring.

Then she puts her dark brown hair into a ponytail then strapped the backpack on her back. She ran out of the dressing room area and spotted a injured girl from the ballet chorus. Kaylee kneeled down to the girl, taking out her med kid.

"Don't worry, you're going to fine." Kaylee reassured, the girl nodded as Kaylee took out an alcohol wipe "What's your name?"

"Aubrey" She had a French accent

Kaylee nods "What happened?"

"A group of men came down here and started shooting. They were looking for something but I don't what."

Kaylee finishes bandaging Aubrey's injured arm. "I'm going to try and get you to a safe area. Stay behind me."

Aubrey nods, Kaylee pulls out her radio and said "Emma, I have an injured ballet chorus member, let's meet at the rendezvous."


Aubrey and Kaylee left the stage area and ran towards the grand stairs, there she spotted two men, holding rifles 'Great, just great.' Kaylee thought sarcastically

She pulls out her pistols and aims it at the two guys and presses the triggers, getting two head shots. "Come on." Kaylee whispered to Aubrey, they walked down the stairs, crouching down then Kaylee said "Do you know what a callbox looks like?"

Aubrey nods, Kaylee continues "I want you to call the police but be careful, there could still be more of those men out there."

Aubrey nods again "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Aubrey runs out as Kaylee turns back to meet Emma in the box hallway to regroup. She ran into the box hallway where Emma was waiting. Emma turned around and said "There you are, we need to stop these guys."

"Don't worry." Kaylee said "I told the ballet chorus member, Aubrey to go call the police. In the meantime we need to find our class and others that need our help."

Emma nods "It's hop to it then."

Kaylee and Emma ran out of the box hallway. adrenaline rushing through their veins as they ran all over the opera house, taking in survivors and taking them outside.

Then back to back, they went through the entire building with Kaylee taking the back; making sure that no one comes up behind them while Emma takes the front.

"I think that's everyone."

Minutes later, the police came, Kaylee and Emma puts her hands up while their aunt and police officer, Maira came up to them

"You guys were very brave to put you're lives on the line. But you're also luck that I was here. Either wise you've been arrested."

Kaylee nods "This was the last thing we needed for our field trip. What were they looking for anyway?"

Maira replied "I'll show you."

The trio traveled below the opera house with a tour guide as Kaylee's heart beats fast from the adrenaline as they reached closer and closer to what seemed like a vault. The tour guide unlocks the vault and opens it.

Kaylee's jaw dropped as she saw thousands and thousands of filmed recordings from the 1800's right in front of her eyes. Containing the excitement, Kaylee stood calm as the tour guide opens a safe, revealing a black folder labeled 'Don Juan'

"What's this." Emma asked

"This is a folder containing the compositions of 'Don Juan Triumphant'." The tour guide said, Kaylee looks up in shock

"As in the Phantom of the opera?"


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