Poor Fool, He Makes Me Laugh!

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The red curtains fell into place. Let the greatest mistake of our lives begin! I got on the bed and went into a kneeling position. Carlotta sat next to me and said in a sneer "Your part silent, remember that."

I mentally rolled my eyes "Yes Ma'am." I gritted my teeth. 'What a diva.' I thought. Carlotta alone just talking and being rude to others makes me want to pull off a Luke Hobbs or Deckard Shaw from 'The Fate of the Furious' and 'Hobbs & Shaw' so badly.

Suddenly the orchestra started to play the overture of Il Muto. I had to put my arm around Carlotta's waist. Why does this remind me when Murdoch poses as a deceased diplomat in an attempt to save a treaty? I know Christine does it in the movie, but it reminds me that allusion for some reason.


I put my arm around Carlotta's side. I swear, I'm going to hurl after this. No, scratch that. I feel sick already "Go, go, go!" I heard barely one of the actors say

There was a loud applause, the show had started. The Confidante sang first

"They say that this youth has set my Lady's heart aflame,"

"His Lordship sure would die of shock," the 1st fop sang

"His Lordship is a laughing-stock!" Sang back the 2nd fop

"Should he suspect her, God protect her."

The trio sang "Shame, shame, shame,"

"This faithless lady bound for Hades. Shame, shame, shame."

The curtains around the bed opened, Carlotta's fan hid me and her as I ran my hand on Countess aka Carlotta's side.

I swear I'm going to puke later on...

Carlotta closed the fan as the audience applauded. I opened my mouth like I was gasping in fright like we've been caught.

"Serafimo your disguise is perfect." Carlotta sang to me. I heard one of the musicians used a mallet to tap on a piece of hallow wood to make it sound like a there was a 'Knock' on the door.

"Why who can this be?"

Meg ran to the "door" and opened it, Piangi and mini Piangi came out in costume.

"Gentle wife admit your loving husband," Piangi sang, pretending to slap Meg's butt

The audience laughed, I heard Andre say "That's exactly the sort of thing the public loves!"

I pretended to dust the bed, hearing Piangi singing "My love, I'm called to England on affairs of state and must leave you with your new maid."

As he sang that line, bending down, I wiggled my butt. I knew this part he pretended to grab my butt. I looked at him appalled.

Carlotta didn't look happy, she slapped Mini Piangi's hand.

"Though I would happily take the maid with me." Piangi said, making the audience laugh again.

"The old fool is leaving," said Carlotta, to the audience.

I heard Andre and Firmin having a conversation with each other.

"It's the Countess de Cherbourg, she's invited us to her salon, you know." Said Andre

Firmin scoffed "Nothing like that ever happened in the junk business."

"Scrap metal,"

I walked up to Carlotta and tore off my maid outfit. Revealing me wearing male clothes.
"Serafimo, away with this pretense,"

She held her fan up as we leaned in as if we were kissing.

I think understand the concept of dying on the inside...

Then Carlotta began to sing "Poor fool he makes me laugh ha ha ha, time I tried to get a better half."

"Poor fool he doesn't know. If he knew the truth he'd never ever go."

Then I heard a voice boom "Did I not instruct that Box 5 was to be kept empty?"

I looked up at the ceiling and saw Erik. But the chandelier was blocking him. I heard Meg whisper to Christine "He's here, the Phantom of the Opera."

"It is him." I whispered, smiling

Carlotta snapped and said "Your part is silent little toad."

My eyes widened, Excuse me?!

I took deep breaths, Carlotta is real close to ticking me off. She is really pushing my buttons and testing me. I was raised in the Bronx. And when someone ticks me off.

Ohh, boy!

It doesn't end well...

But I also know that now isn't the best time to do so. One because I have to stay in character and two, we're on stage and I have a thousand people witnessing my Bronx side.

Good thing I have self control!

Erik said something, I couldn't hear him, but  I knew what he said "A toad, Madame? Perhaps it is you who are the toad."

Then I heard Carlotta say to her one of her maids "Why you spray on my chin? All the time, huh?"

I rolled my eyes as Carlotta came back onto the stage "Oh! Mi scusi, tutti. Maestro, de capo, por favore."

Then the music began again, she started to sing "Serafimo away with this pretense. You cannot speak but kiss me in my-" she croaked

Everyone gasped in shock then the audience began to laugh. I bit my lip to prevent myself from laughing. Then I remember that Erik swapped the spray.

"Gentlemen please, please." Reyer said, trying to get musicians to start again

The music began again once more, Carlotta tried to sing again "Poor fool he makes me laugh ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-" she croaked again

The cast and audience laughed, Carlotta looked backstage and yelled "Mother!"

Andre and Firmin came out on stage as Christine rushed over to me. "Bring the curtain in please will you!"

The actor who played the 2nd fop didn't realized that the curtains closed and couldn't find the opening
"Get off!" Reyer hissed

Both Firmin and Andre were nervous and stressed out, Firmin announced to the audience,

"Ladies and gentlemen we apologize. The performance will continue in 10 minutes time."

I felt someone grabbed my wrist and yanked me out of the curtains. "When the roll of the Countess will be played by Miss Daae."

The audience applauded then Madame Giry grabbed my hand and took me to the Prima Donna Dressing Room. Then she helped me into my costume. When she finished helping me, I spotted a red rose with a black ribbon tied around the stem.

Erik's rose...

I grabbed it and examined it touching the rose petals. Afterwards, I walked out of the dressing room, watching Meg, Christine as they danced the scene from Act 3. The ballet dancers dance their hearts out like nobodies watching. I smiled.

Suddenly a man's body dropped and hung in center stage!

I gasped as Meg screamed. That body was Buquet. Erik killed Buquet. Just like in the movie!

Meg and Christine hugged each other for support as Buquet's body fell to the ground. I ran off stage.

Gotta get to the roof!

I started to ran to the roof. I heard Firmin announce to the audience. "Ladies and gentlemen, please remain in you seats. Do not panic. It is simply an accident... an accident."

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