A Vision of the Past

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Today is the day!

Today, me, Christine, Raoul and Gustave are sailing off to Budapest. Mina invited us to the wedding, I remember sleeping and they came into the room Gustave walked to the side of the bed and shaking me awake.

"I'm awake." I said tiredly

Then I took out a dark orange dress and walked out of the bedroom that me and Mina shared, walking to the bathroom.

I got out of my pjs and got ready to put on the corset. I'm pretty sure that the corset is going to suffocate me. But, I have to in order to fit in.

Unless we're in danger, that's a different story.

Anyway, I put on the corset then the dress. Then my thoughts drifted to something I never thought that it was going happen again.


I combed my hair and sighed "Don't worry sis, I will find my way back."

Once I was dressed, we walked out to the boat, I spotted Jack, Quincey, Arthur and Lucy talking. But I was to far to hear it. Then Jack started singing the first verse to 'Modern World'

"Taxis to Houston and steamships to Rio"

"Biograph pictures in Wiltons all day" Arthur sang then Quincey

"Specials to Paris and hot air ballooning"

Then Mina came out, me, Lucy and Christine began to sing with Mina. "Phonograph Cylinders ready to play Camera's with shutters, internal combustion Phone up your uncle in Shorham-by-Sea
Cross the Atlantic and be there by Thursday
Jump on a trolley and be home by three"

Seward started singing "Somewhere in Vienna, there's a chap called Freud who's sure
That it's useless to chain up madmen
He gets better results with his talking cure."

Quincey smirks and sings "Winchester repeaters gonna have to watch their backs They've got the bolt action Hotchkiss But the Hun's got a gun gives ya three more cracks."

"Here comes the modern world The wonderful modern world Off to old fashioned thinking
On with the new Hello to the modern world The breathtaking modern world There's nothing today that you can't do"

I held Gustave's hand as we boarded onto the boat "My old four speed Daimler I'm afraid will have to go And it's time to replace my steam yacht There's no earthly excuse for going slow."

Then Christine and Lucy sang together "We're delighted to hear this progressive note."

Then me and Mina "And we might feel the same way when we get the vote."

"Here comes the modern world The wonderful modern world Off to old fashioned thinking
On with the new Hello to the modern world The breathtaking modern world There's nothing today that you can't do"

After we boarded the boat and got settled in the cabin I walked out towards the bow of the ship, I heard someone sing

"A perfect life, the kind you dream of Waits for me
And yet, and yet I can't shut out this sense of dread
This haunting doubt. I found a man who truly loves me I love him And yet, and yet On this bright day a shadow falls Across my way."

In The Shadow of a Melody (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now