Over Whitby Bay

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Me, Christine, Raoul and Gustave are staying with Mina and Lucy for the time being. We unpacked our stuff and basically caught up with each other.
Meaning like asking 'How have you been?'

Mina told me that she was getting married to a man named Jonathan Harker. I knew this because I've seen the musical. Yet I was so happy for her and Jonathan.

Christine and I told Mina and Lucy what happened during our time in the Opera Populaire. Christine was scared to be retelling it so I took the lead in the story.

Mina and Lucy felt pity for us.

Later on, we're split into three rooms, Christine, Raoul and Gustave shared the first room. Me and Mina ended up sharing the second room.

I didn't mind because we had two separate beds.

I took a bath and got dressed in victorian style, short sleeve pjs and a champagne colored dressing gown to cover it up that was a little long in the back.

I walked out of the bathroom to the bedroom that me and Mina shared. I couldn't take my mind of what happened when I was in the modern world.

A wolf howling while in I was in London? That sounds suspicious. Probably more suspicious than Among us, trying to figure out who is the impostor.

My mind came back when I heard the sound of a typewriter.

I walked towards the bedroom, the back of my robe flowing behind me, I stood in the doorway, I saw Mina sitting at a desk with a typewriter.

I heard Mina sing "Staring out to sea Full of dark premonitions Thinking what to say As the sun, slowly dims Over Whitby bay."

I stood there in shock as I remembered that this was the part where Mina and Jonathan sing Over Whitby bay.

While he was left alone in his room, Jonathan composes a letter to Mina, who herself remembers how they met.

"On that summer night When we first shared a carriage Made our bumpy way Down the road, curving round Over Whitby Bay."

Mina stopped typing and stared out the window "We strolled to the old bowling green."

"The orchestra played sweet sixteen"

"Then we stole our first kiss My thoughts turn everyday Back to Whitby Bay" I sang 'Back to Whitby Bay'

Mina looked at me, startled then smiled. Suddenly I felt a cold feeling wash over me, I sang "Why am I so cold? Why am I so frightened?"

"Why did I agree to go so far away?! Will I ever see you again?"

Me and Mina walked towards the window, I felt the breeze caress my face, blowing my hair back "We'll stare out to sea until then."

"We were so happy here My thoughts turn, everyday Back to Whitby Bay."

I smiled, enjoying the sun setting "One more lonely night  Full of dark premonitions Shall we see the day?"

"When the sun slowly dims Over Whitby Bay."

I sighed happily with no worries.
To be honest, this past year that I been in the Opera Populaire in the modern world, I've missed Christine and Raoul.
But never in my wildest dreams would've expected this.



I turned around when I heard someone call my name.


"Are you alright, Kaylee?" Mina asked

I nodded "Just tired, I'm going to bed, good night."

After I bid her good night, I untied my robe and placed it on the side of my bed. I climbed onto the bed. Facing away from Mina's side. Staring at the wall in front of me.

Then I closed my eyes and fell asleep, but not before I heard the voice say

"You think, you hear, my voice It's the beginning Don't be afraid, for soon I shall be with you to offer a singular gift."

In The Shadow of a Melody (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now