"You Have My Word"

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Third-person POV

Two days passed since the crew had the run-in with Dracula, and found Kaylee with two puncture wounds on her neck. Arthur, Quincey, and Raoul stood on the lookout. Kaylee was laid on the bed, Christine washed her up and thoroughly brushed through her hair. Then placed her hands over her stomach.

After she had fainted, no one couldn't wake her up. Like she fell into an everlasting sleep...

Everyone else meet back in the living room and discussed what and how they were going to going to beat Dracula.

Gustave stayed with Kaylee, her skin now looked deathly pale and her cheekbones were showing from lack of blood.

Tears filled his eyes as he watched his auntie laid there, not moving nor breathing. Gustave grasped her hand and said

"Auntie Kaylee, if you can hear me, please,"

He bowed his head with his eyes closed "Wake up."


A single tear came down from his eyes and landed on Kaylee's hand.

Gustave felt a weak pulse coming from her wrist, Kaylee's skin color started slowly turning back to her normal skin color but a little bit pale. Her heart rate increased a little bit as she felt searing hot pain inside taking over. Like being inside a hot oven

Her cheeks bones were hidden from her face, her lips turning back to their natural color. Gustave stared in shock as he watched the scene unravel. Her long dark brown hair had different light brown streaks in her hair.

Then her heart rate slowed down as she felt a feeling of bliss like a blooming flower after the pain had finally stopped.

Gustave didn't know it, but Kaylee was going through some sort of transformation, her veins were solidified and her blood cells were rearranging themselves and adapting to the venom. She started breathing, her chest rising and falling as peaceful bliss took over her whole body. Like the calm after the storm.

A moment later, her eyes popped open, her eye color no longer her usual beautiful dark brown color. No, they were now crimson red...

"Auntie Kaylee?"

Kaylee turned to Gustave, pure shock in her eyes "Gustave?" He nearly teared up

"Aunt Kaylee!" He hugged her, Kaylee hugged back

"Shh, it's alright."

Gustave let go and helped Kaylee out of the bed, her feet touching the floor, then he lead her to the living room, where the group was discussing a plan to defeat Dracula.

They turned around and saw Kaylee and Gustave enter the room.

Christine gasped and her tears came down, she hugged her. "Kaylee, You're alright!"

Kaylee hugged her back gently "Christine..."

Suddenly Kaylee felt thirsty, but it wasn't a regular thirst. It was a thirst for blood...

She holds her throat "What is it?" Jack asks

"I don't know, I feel thirsty."

Van Helsing knew that she turned into a vampire, so she needed blood.

"She needs blood." Van Helsing spoke

Nothing else was said, Van Helsing gave her blood in a packet and she began to suck the blood out, then hands him the empty blood packet.

"Thank you."

Kaylee sat next to Christine as Quincey said

"Well, professor, hunting down this devil isn't going to be easy as shooting fish in a barrel."

Kaylee thought as Mina said, "There must be a way to stop him."

Then Kaylee got an idea "That's it."

"What is it, Kaylee?" Asked Christine

Kaylee stands up and says "When we were visiting Renfield said something about communication between a vampire and his victim between the hours of sunrise and sunset."

"What are you saying?" Mina asked

"What if by using hypnosis I could peer into his mind and see where he's going?" Proposed Kaylee

"It's worth a shot." Quincey agreed

Everyone in the room nodded as Kaylee said "Alright."

She sat back down on the couch as Van Helsing sat in front of her, before he started doing the hypnosis Kaylee stopped him and said

"One more thing, once I come back from the trance. Under no circumstances, are you to tell me what I said. If I know the vampire's thoughts then he most likely has the power to know mines."

"Understood." Replied Van Helsing

Kaylee closes her eyes and sighed, "Ready?" She opened her eyes and said


Van Helsing shined an object in her eyes, which Kaylee focus her crimson red gaze on the object. Then her eyes became half-lidded and turned from crimson red to black.

Then Van Helsing asked, "Where are you?"

"Where am I, I know not. Sleep knows no native place."Her voice came out raspy as she closed her eyes

"What do you see?"

"Nothing. Everything is dark."

"What do you hear?"

"The gurgle of water. The crash of waves."

"And what else?"

"A chain rattles...This rolling, in the wind..."

Van Helsing came close to her as he said "Are you on a ship?"

Kaylee looked at Van Helsing, her eyes fully opened and glinting with mischief. She smirks and attacks him. Luckily Quincey and Jonathan, having the upper hand took both of her wrists and pinned them to the wall.

"Kaylee!" Christine and Raoul shouted

Immediately, Kaylee's eyes turned from black back to Crimson red. She looked shocked as Quincey and Jonathan let go of her wrists. Christine was about to check on her when Kaylee put her hand in front of Christine, stopping her saying

"Don't touch me right now." Christine stopped as Kaylee continued "I don't want to hurt you."

Van Helsing sighed and stood up "Raoul will bring you to bed. There perhaps you can find a little peace."

"Wait," Kaylee said

"What is it?" Raoul inquired

Kaylee stood up "My friends."

She shakily sighed "We all know that his blood runs through my veins, therefore all of you must promise me that when the time comes, he will not hesitate to...kill me."

Everything in the whole room went dead silent as everyone was either in shock or had tears streaming down their face.

Kaylee's tears leaked out from her eyes a bit as well. I
"When is 'the right time'?"

"When you are convinced that I have changed so far that it will be better off for me to die than live."

"I promise." Mina, Quincey, Jack, Arthur, Van Helsing, Christine, and Jonathan said

Gustave had tears in his eyes and hugged his auntie, saying

"I promise, Auntie Kaylee."

Kaylee smiled as she ran her fingers through his chocolate brown hair "I know Gustave." Then she turned to Raoul.


Raoul turned to her, taking her hand and saying "You have my word..."

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