Down Once More

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The audience was running towards the exit, screams of horror and fear filled the room as the chandelier came falling towards the stage. Reyer screamed "GO!"

He jumped out of the orchestra pit along with the musicians, The chandelier smashed right onto the stage, taking first row and the orchestra pit with it.
The chandelier burst into flames, spreading across the wooden stage. The red silk curtains catching on fire as well.

"Oh my God," Andre screamed

"We're ruined Andre! Ruined," cried Firmin before they ran out of their box to safety

Meanwhile, Backstage. Raoul was in a panic as Christine and him went running across backstage searching for Madame Giry. They saw her and ran up to her.

"Where did he take her?" Raoul asked frantically.

"Come with me Monsieur. I will take you both to him. But remember keep your hand at the level of your eyes." Madame Giry replied

Meg ran up to them "I'll go with you." She spoke

Madame Giry shook her head "No! Meg, No! You must stay here." She turned back to Raoul and said, "Come with me."

Meg turned around to see a crowd, almost following right behind the trio "No," she cried as she blocked the crowd from following, almost like a protective shield.

'Kaylee, please be safe.' She thought

Kaylee's POV

"Down once more to the dungeon of my black despair, down we plunge to the prison of my mind! Down that path into darkness deep as hell!" Erik sang as he pulled me on a path to the lair.

And man, is he yanking my wrist HARD!

I dug my heels on the catacomb floor as we traveled down to his lair. When we turned sharply, my bandaged hand held the corner wall, coming to an abrupt stop with Erik turning around and looking at me with so much anger and betrayal in his eyes

I kept my grip on the wall, my breathing uneven as Erik glared at me and pulled me, causing my grip slowly loosen. When I let go I heard a tear noise; we continued deeper into the catacombs.

His grip tightened on my wrist. It's definitely going to leave bruises. I kept trying to pull away but his grip was tight. Erik turned around and glared at me.

"Why, you ask, was I bound and chained in this cold and dismal place? Not for any mortal sin but the wickedness of my abhorrent face!"

Then he turned back around and pulled me to the gondola. He threw me in there, My eyes widened when I felt my right rib crack. No it can't be...

I can't have a fractured rib!

I touched my rib as Erik got in gondola and used the long black pole to get us across in a fast pace."Track down this murderer he must be found. Track down this murderer he must be found." I heard the mob sing

I held my fractured rib as we reached the lair, once we entered the lair, the gate behind us closed
So escaping is definitely not an option...

The gondola hit shore, Erik jumped out, then grabbed my arm, dragging me to my identical bride mannequin."Hounded out by everyone; met with hatred everywhere. No kind words from anyone; No compassion anywhere."

Then he gripped my shoulders his face a few inches away from mine "Kaylee... Why?"

I looked at him, unable to say anything. I closed my eyes and grind my teeth when he squeezed my shoulders, cringing from the pain. it felt like knifes digging into my tan skin, and boy did it hurt.


I had my left arm wrapped around my my ribs, my right rib hurting me a lot. "Erik, I had nothing to do with this." I told him, which made the pressure in my shoulders increase

"Lies!" He hissed


He finally lets go of my shoulders, I was breathing short breaths because when you have a fractured rib and breath deep. It hurts like hell because every time a took a breath, pressure presses against the injured area. Erik looked at me before walking towards the mannequin. Then he puts the wedding dress in my hands.

"Put it on." He demanded

I looked at him "What?"

"Put on the dress."

I looked at the dress for a little bit and said "Never."

Erik glared at me. That's right.

Two can play at that game...

"Excuse me?" He asked in a dark and dangerous tone, I didn't flinch, standing my ground "I said never." I spoke with confidence, one thing that people don't know about me, I'm a fighter, it runs in my bloodline; I'm willing to do what ever it takes to survive, even if it means that I have to fight for it or be daring. I had my hand ready to pull out my pistol if things escalated.

Erik glared at me, then walked towards me. The next thing I knew. He pressed against my right fractured rib. I gasped in pain because of the pressure he was putting against my fractured rib, it felt like something heavy was begin placed on top of it.

He whispered in my ear "If you refuse to put on the dress, I will put it on you myself."

My eyes widened "Fine." I muttered

I shoved passed him, into the swan room. I closed the entrance, placing the wedding dress on the bed, I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My dark brown hair was messy and all over the place, my eyes were bloodshot was I placed my on the mirror, my mirrored self reflecting it.

I looked down at my hand, there was a tear. Just below my fingers as blood spilled out. Now there's a very high chance of it getting infected. Running my others fingers through my dark brown hair; I sighed "What am I going to do?"

"It looks like you need some help, Kaylee!"

My eyes popped opened, that voice! It sounded like-

I turned around and couldn't believe my eyes. Standing right in front of my eyes was a ghostly figure of Emma, wearing her usual tank top and cargo pants with her hands in her pockets, a ghostly smile present on her face with loose locks of her hair falling against her features


Emma smiled and nodded "Yes, it's me."

I nearly teared up "But how?"

"I'm a figment of your imagination, sis. I might not be here physically, but my mental being is!"

Then Emma said, taking my wound hand "Listen Kaylee, there isn't much time so you need to take action. You need to try and find your way out of the Phantom of the opera." She places her hand over my wounded one, and what happened next was a shocker.

Her ghostly palm glowed yellow as the wound seemed to close itself, my own skin repaired itself. Once she let's go of my hand, I placed my fist over my chest as I looked away "but how can I?"

I felt Emma take my chin and face me towards her. "You're Kaylee Martinez." Then she winked, putting her fist in the air "A proud young women with the blood of Puerto Ricans. Mom even said it herself. That kind stuff runs in our veins!"

I smiled at her encouragement "And I'm sure as hell know that you will never give up or lose hope." Looking at my reflection, I heard Emma say "So?" I picked up the beautiful white wedding dress with my hands, staring at it before turning to Emma and saying with determination  "Let's do it."

In The Shadow of a Melody (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now