If I Could Fly

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Kaylee's POV

I say in the bath, letting the water hit my back. Doing the breathing technique to focus on centering my energy to relax (Since I found no peace at all doing this journey.) I leaned my head back as I relaxed in the water.

Afterwards I slipped on my white nightgown And grabbed a white regular robe that stopped above my ankles and put in on, slipping on a pair of stockings and flats then grabbing a blouse shirt and leggings, folding them neatly and taking them with me.

As I exited the room, I saw Van Helsing injected himself with morphine, he started singing in sadness. Almost like he was lamenting...

" Nobody smiled like Rosanne Nobody spoke like Rosanne Summers come, summers go Seasons change, rivers flow This world carries on as though
my Rosanne was still here."

I hid behind the wall as Van Helsing continued
"Winter fades, spring arrives Without healing anybody's lives Rosanne may not be in my arms,
but she lives in my heart."

"I can't erase such precious memories So much in love with her am I She was just seventeen Far too young for a child to die..." I gasped softly, placing my hand on my heart

"Nobody laughed like Rosanne, Nobody danced like Rosanne Summers come, summers go Seasons change and rivers always flow Why waste my life looking for love? I found the perfect love."

'Poor Van Helsing' I thought "For Rosanne, I try to build a better world And be the best that I can be I can still hear her voice speak my name Some things will stay the same to me."

"The summers come and go and rivers always flow..."

He cried as he injected himself with the morphine, I came in, feeling worried about him.
"Dr Helsing?" He turned to him as I called out "Are you alright?"

"I'm quite alright." He replied with sadness still clear in his voice

It broke my heart to hear that song, I can feel the hurt that he feels, trust me. I know how it feels to lose someone close to you...


A moment later I sat on the single ended sofa with a sleeping Gustave on my lap. Christine and Mina are reading different books, I think Christine's reading 'Little Women' while Mina's reading one of the Sherlock Holmes books

Which are my favorite novels.


Raoul, Quincey, Jack, Jonathan and Van Helsing were on lookout for Dracula while Arthur was looking for information on the location on him.

A few minutes later, he returned "I've just found out from the Duke of Westminster that he has rented out  a place to a Count: Picadilly 347."

"Then we must go at once." Raoul said

Van Helsing turned around and said "I'm afraid you will have to stay here with Madame Kaylee."

"I don't believe that's not necessary."

I slowly stood up, placing Gustave's head on a pillow. Then I crossed my arms "I could always come too." I said, followed by voices of protest.

"Absolutely not, this isn't a women's task."

My jaw popped opened when I heard Quincey say that. I scoffed and said "You have no idea what I'm capable of."

And with that said, I stormed out of the room into Seward's quarters that he kindly let me use while the others were hunting Dracula. I sat down on the bed with a blanket wrapped around my shoulders as I stared out the balcony into the dead of night.

I heard others talking as I eavesdropped, then I heard the door closed. I can't believe that Quincey said that, sure I'm living in a world where women can't fight. But I'm sure that you have women in the army who serve as spies

And women like Freddie Pink and Julia Ogden who know how fight, use an bow and arrow or a gun. Keeping their guns hidden underneath their skirts.

I walked towards the living room and saw Gustave sleeping, I smiled as I picked him up and carried him to the bedroom that Christine and Raoul were using and covered him with the blanket I was using.

'I must speak with you, face to face.'

I heard Dracula's voice in my head 'Impossible, my friend is here.'

'I will choose the right moment, but first you must invite me in'

Without knowing it I started singing "They'll drive a stake through the heart of the monster, why do I feel a growing compulsion to save him? Why do I shy away, when I know that the battle must be fought?"

I ran out of the bedroom and looked back at Gustave's sleeping figure "I'm like a scared hunted deer in the forest,  there's not chance of escape
and I'm not sure I want to, why do I try to run,
when it feels more exciting to be caught?!"

Running back to Seward's quarters, I continued singing "I must bring you here to warn you, save you from eternal nothingness, so if have to, I will summon you to me."

"If I Could Fly I'd fly away from you, away from it all, but I am trapped and fighting break free," leaning against the doorframe, I looked down at my hands "what have you done to me? I wish I had wings, no that's not true  if I had wings how could I help flying straight to you?"

I looked down the ring that Erik gave me during the final lair "I promised to be faithful, I gave my heart forever, that doesn't seem to matter now, but how can I betray him, how could I break my sacred vow?"

"If I Could Fly I'd fly away from you, away from it all, but I am trapped and fighting break free, what have you done to me? I wish I had wings, no that's not true if I had wings how could I help flying straight to you!!"

Song links

Rosanne (Summers Come, Summers Go) - https://www.smule.com/song/dracula-the-musical-rosanne-summers-come-summers-go-karaoke-lyrics/7015582_7015582/arrangement

Kaylee's nightgown

Kaylee's nightgown

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