Leaving the Opera House

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I was in a mist. I couldn't see a thing. Suddenly the mist cleared. And it was one of the most horrific sight I've seen! Emma, Christine, Meg, Raoul, everyone dead right in front on my eyes...

Emma and Christine and puncture wounds on their neck. Meg and Raoul looked like they were hung by a noose.

I looked at my hands, they were blooded up.

"It's all your fault!" They yelled

I put my hands on my head 'this can't be happening.'

Suddenly something clung around my waist and pulled me back. I yelped. I felt strong arms encircled my waist, possessively. My heart sped up as I felt hot breath on my ear.

"You belong to me."


Kaylee sat on the vanity while Raoul prepared a carriage and Christine gets ready because today was the day that they were leaving the Opera Populaire to go to Raoul's Mansion. Ever since she had that nightmare, Kaylee had this sense of depression.

A sense like she's drowning or being trapped in the depths of her mind with everything that's going on around her.

The plans for the opera were on hold, at least until further notice. Firman announced that before Kaylee, Christine and Raoul were getting ready to go.

Kaylee felt like she was trapped in a bubble, curled up in a ball, surrounded by entitled people.

She sighed and puts her hand on her forehead, putting her elbows on the vanity.

Was she ready for this?

Is she ready to leave?

'What about Meg...and Emma?' She thought

She closed her eyes and meditated. Not noticing Christine entering the room.

"Kaylee, are you alright?" She asked

Kaylee jumped and looked at Christine. She sighed and said "I'm depressed." Kaylee puts her head in her heads.

Christine frowns and sits next to her sister "What troubles you?"

Kaylee shakes her head "I don't know." She lied "I just feel like trapped, curled up in a ball. Self doubting and depressed."

Christine was concerned about her. This wasn't her usual happy, energetic sister she knew. Christine takes Kaylee's hands.

"Kaylee, I know this is overwhelming for you. But it's alright, sister. I won't let anything hurt you."

Kaylee smiled, Christine reminds her so much of her real sister, Emma. It gave her comfort that she had someone like her sister cares for her.

"Thank you, Christine. I appreciate it." Kaylee said

Christine nods and says "I'll be waiting for you outside."

After Christine left, Kaylee grabbed a dark purple dress and got ready. Once she was ready she walked out of the room and walked with Christine down to the carriage.

On the way, they ran into Meg and Madame Giry, Meg pulled Kaylee into a hug "I'm going to miss you, Meg." Kaylee told her

"Me too." Meg tearfully said

They all said our goodbyes then Christine and Kaylee got in the carriage as the horseman put their luggage in the carriage.

Kaylee and Christine waved goodbye one last time as Raoul took the reins and slowly pulled the carriage. Kaylee felt tempted to look back but instead forced herself to look forward. Don't look back. Her footsteps were slow and purposeful as she felt like invisible shackles were falling into dust as she stared up at the trek ahead.

A shadowy figure watched as the carriage left the opera house. For this was the last time Erik would see her in six months...

Kaylee looked at the Opera Populaire. Sadness in her eyes.

"I'll never retreat, yeah, I'll be your army."

In The Shadow of a Melody (Editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora