Undead one, Surrender

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I slept soundlessly through the night, but I woke up to a very bad feeling in my gut. The one thing I learned was to trust my gut feeling. Something in my gut was telling me to look up.

And so I did...

When I did, I saw a huge creature with large bat wings, I heard someone scream in fright...

I stared out the window, into the colorful amber sunrise. Something was very wrong, Lucy is undead and I know it because that bat creature could've been Dracula. I'm sure of it.

I get up from the bed and pulled out a 'less formal and more action' outfit.

I slipped on leggings and a peasant blouse, then unzipped the blue corset to slip on. I'll admit, putting on a corset by myself can be somewhat difficult. But I managed and put on the boots and the tailcoat, slipping a knife into my pocket

Afterward, I put on a pair of navy blue earrings. As I exited the bedroom I picked up my hair and placed it in a ponytail.

Once I was out of the house, I mounted on a white horse that kind of looked like a Mangalarga Marchador. Anyway, once I mounted on the horse I rode to the cemetery

To Lucy's mausoleum...

Once I made it to the cemetery gates, I dismounted from my horse, petting it before walking towards the cemetery gates, which had already been opened

Not liking the sight, I pulled out my knife.

Walking slowly into the cemetery, I held the Kusarigama close to my chest. Suddenly I heard a child crying, I quickly/quietly ran in the direction of the sound. I saw Lucy getting ready to drink the blood from the child


Lucy immediately turned around, dropping the child, it was a boy. He cried, I placed my knife down holding kneeling, my arms out, the little boy ran into my arms, crying into my shoulder. I hugged him.

"It's going to be ok," I whispered to him

Lucy smirks and circles us, I held the boy tighter "Well, well, well~"

"What do you want, Lucy?" I said, glaring at her

Lucy let out a burst of howling laughter "Oh my dear, sweet Kaylee." She said sarcastically "It is not me that wants you, Dracula wants you." She growled at the last part

I looked at my knife, slowly picking up them and standing up "Stay behind me." I whispered to the boy, nodded few tears coming down from his face

I looked at Lucy "One thing you need to know, Lucy." I took my knife out. "I don't go down without a fight."

With that said, Lucy lunged forward to attack, I used the knife, hitting her cheek, she let out a howling scream

"You bitch!"

The little boy hid behind the tree, Lucy came up to me trying to slash me, she got me a bit but I was able to get out.

I kept slashing her until she grabbed my knife, yanking them out of my hands, she smirks thinking that I was powerless, but she was wrong.

I ran towards her, jumping up, and did a split-kick with my foot landing on her shoulder causing her to fall on the ground. I was breathing heavy, I felt Lucy bite my foot, I let out a yell. Then she was able to get out of the neck lock, grabbing me by the neck Then she threw me to the wall

I tried to get up, Lucy stopped in front of me, I looked at her as a sickly smile fell on her lips as she was about to bite my neck.

I rolled to the side and picked up my knife, throwing it towards her, she quickly dodged it.

The boy stood in shock, before she could finish me off Christine, Raoul, Gustave, Mina, Jonathan, Quincey, Jack, Arthur, and Van Helsing came to the rescue

Van Helsing and the crew held their crucifix and chanted a Christian prayer. Lucy hissed and repelled from the cross.

I grabbed the boy and held him close to me as Van Helsing chanted "Undead one, surrender! Prepare to bow before Christ!"

Followed by Christine, Raoul, Gustave, Mina, Jonathan, Quincey, Jack "Undead one, surrender!
Prepare to bow before Christ! Bow before Christ!"

Lucy tried to get escape from the crucifixes but Arthur stopped her "Bow...before...Christ."

We brought her back to the inside of the mausoleum and back into the coffin. "This cross, this crucifix Can bring you back to peace and love This holy crucifix Can lift you to Heaven above!"

Lucy laid in the coffin as Arthur put the stake over her heart, then using a hammer drove it into her heart as Lucy let out a cry. I heard the boy crying into my shoulder, I held him tightly.

Then Quincey cuts off her head, Gustave held onto Christine, looking away. Now she able to rest in peace. I put the boy down next to me than walking towards Lucy's coffin. I looked down at her headless corpse.

"Goodbye Lucy, Rest In Peace."

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