A Year Later: Another Chapter in Life

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One year had passed since Kaylee found herself in the The Phantom of the Opera. Kaylee had matured into more of a strong minded, independent woman. But she is still kind and caring as she used to be, which gained the reputation of an angel in the eyes of many

Through out these three months Kaylee's singing attracted a lot of people and audiences attention. Including a manager at the Royal Albert Hall in London. Richard (The manager of the Opera Populaire) received a call from the manager at the Royal Albert Hall for her to come to London and perform. Kaylee accepted the offer. She felt a little sad and devastated about leaving. But she knew that it was apart of her career and had to accept it.

Kaylee was in the dressing room, waiting. She was dressed in a black tailcoat with a same colored waistcoat and tie, with Victorian style boots, her hair combed back into a bun with bangs hanging loosely on the side. Remember that ring that she found with a red rose?

She never took it off. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" Kaylee said

Her sister, Emma came in and said "Kaylee, you're on in five minutes."

Kaylee nodded and walked out with her. Once the show started, she started singing Utterson's line from Jekyll and Hyde as she stepped into the stage."This is not the man I knew! There's something deeply troubling you! How long do you plan to hide away here? This increasing isolation only adds to your frustration and it could endanger your career!"

The actor who played Dr. Jekyll sang back "John, I don't need you to turn on me as well! More than ever now I need a friend! Can't you see and don't you know I've been through hell? Don't condemn what you don't comprehend!"

Kaylee sighs "Henry, I'm not questioning your motives here. But is what you're seeking worth the price? You've turned your back on everything you once held dear. You're choosing to ignore your friend's advice."

She then turned around and puts her back against the stage prop door, sliding against it until she sat on the ground, knees to her chest "You have your work and nothing more. You are possessed. What is your demon?"

"You've never been this way before, You've lost the fire you built your dream on!"

Then Kaylee shakes her head, hugging her knees closer "There's something strange, there's something wrong I see a change, it's like when love dies I who have known you for so long I see the pain in your eyes."

"There was a time you lived your life And no one lived the way that you did! You had a plan, you found a wife You saw your world as very few did!"

The turned back around, facing the door, smiled sadly. "You had it all! The overall! You seemed to know just what to live for!"

Her eyes closed in sadness "But now it seems you don't at all! You have your work nothing more!"

"You have your work and nothing more You are possessed. What is your demon? You've never been this way before You've lost the fire you built your dream on! There's something strange, there's something wrong I see a change, it's like when love dies I who have known you for so long I see the pain in your eyes." ("Have I Become My Work and Nothing More? I Know That's Not What I'm Living For!")

Then the actress who played Lisa came out on stage with the actor who played Sir Danvers "Father, you know Henry won't just walk away The only way he knows is straight ahead!"

"Lisa, you've not heard a single word I've said My fear is he's in over his head! He could lose control and that I dread!"

"It is his work!" ("It's more than work! He is obsessed! The man is driven!")

"Just give him time! I ask no more! His work's a crime to be forgiven!" (There's something strange, unless I'm blind I see a change of a bizarre kind.)

"There's not at all! Don't be unkind! The problem's all in your mind!"

Then they began to sing different lines to the song.
"He has his work and nothing more! He is obsessed
The man is driven!/Have You Become?/Lisa..."

"Just give him time I ask no more! His work's a crime To be forgiven!/Your Work and Nothing More?/Lisa..."

"There's something strange Unless I'm blind I see a change Of a bizarre kind!/ I Know That's Not./ Lisa..."

"There's not at all! Don't be unkind The problem's all
In your mind!/What You're Living For!/ Lisa...Lisa..."

They began to sing the final lines of the song
"Still I pray/Dear, I pray Every day Henry may Find his way I pray he May find His way."

("Pray You/I May Find Your/my Way.")

"I will pray/Dear, I pray Every day Henry may Find his way I pray he May find His way..."
("Pray You/I May Find Your/my Way...")

As those three actors left to the stage sides, Kaylee stood with her back facing the audience for a few seconds. Then faced the audience. When Kaylee looked at the audience, smiling internally. Then she walked away with her hands behind her back, humming the end of the song. As she walked away, the audience applauded, the whole auditorium roared with applause and whistles.

In The Shadow of a Melody (Editing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin