"Stay a little longer with me ❤"

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Hey guys how u re my lovely readers aacha okk no more bakwas lets get back to the story....

Next day in the college Shefali is again late for her film class. She is trying to get into her seat but Aly Mehra(guys bhul toh ne gye isse🤣) he is not willing to let her so they get into an argument again. They get called out by the professor who task them with filming the graduation party documentary as punishment. After class they start shooting clips around campus all the while bickering non-stop.

On the other hand sana and sidharth go to library while holding hands.

Sid - what kind of books u want?
Sana - I just need some books to read during my summer vacation.
Sid - goes and picks some programing books for Sana. I have picked these for u.
Sana - but these are very difficult.
Sid - I will tutor u from afar.

Outside the library Aly is interviewing while Shefali is yawning. She see Sana and Sid coming out and signals them to come over. Aly is ready to pack up and go he says that he is not intrested yo interview people like them. But shefali doesn't listen and calls them while Aly is glaring at the couple as shefali starts the interview. She keeps prompting them to show off their relationship. Aly was not able to stay there any more so he snatches the camera and goes from there fuming in anger.

Shefali and Aly were having dinner together and they were not ready to stop there fight.Aly wants to delete the clip of Sana nad sidharth interview but Shefali wants to keep it for memory sake. They started snatching from each other which results in the camera being dropped in the bowl of soup. Aly says that it happen because of both of us so we will pay half half.

Next day after there exams gets over Shefali is tensed that how she will pay the amount. Then her classmates mention summer internships. She jumps in excitement remembering that she will be making money from international ng at Chabra groups.
Sana takes Mahi's phone and message sidharth a text regarding internship. While mahi disapproving of the fact that sidharth still hasn't bought Sana a new phone.

Sana moves out and meet Sidharth and they meet vikas all covering himself in a sunglasses and mask selling his belongings to underclassmen.

Sana - hello Mr. Beauty.
Vikas - sister in law I have disguised myself so well still u recognise me.
Sana - Mr. Beauty u are so handsome that these simple mask and glasses can not hide your beauty.
Vikas - u are right so as a gift I will give u my blanket for free.
Sid - no
Vikas - jealous 😒
Sid - I'm not jealous you were caught doing wrong advertisment. In 1 year u failed and u said that u passed all years because of this blanket. Come on now let's go we have a dinner.
Vikas - I know a resturent let's go there call everyone there.

Kushal - what kind of place is this?
Vikas - this place is very good and the food here is also good.
And them comes Ko the cute chef.
Vikas - my frnd here is a very good chef nd he makes very delicious food. Let's order and plzz come often to this place it will be good.
They order food and food arrives Vikas come back after talking to Ko.

Vikas - are you guys pigs? There's....
Sana - I have saved for u.
Vikas - look junior Sana is still the best. In this moment I can feel motherly love.
Sid - take your time eating. Don't choke on it.
Vikas - third bro got a girl and now he's acting more human. He cares about me now.
Sid - fatherly love.
And all started laughing 😂😂😂🤣😅

They all praise the food . They say we should come more often here. However there is one issue. We've saved third bro a lot of money today. We were going to eat him poor.
Sana - delicious. Come more often.
Sid - you mean to let them eat me poor?
Sana - I spoke too fast. I meant come more often if the food is good.
They all chit chat and have drinks and Sana is observing everyone and she is very happy that she have such people who love and respect her so much.

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