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At early morning, bribing the watchman of  girl's hostel,Raghav was successful in dropping Vandhana at her room. Riddhima was tensed as Vandhana was in fainted state. While leaving, he asked Riddhima to bring Vandhana to the auditorium sharp at 7.30 A.M.  after hours, Vandhana woke up with heavy migrane. She remembered sneaking into Raghav's home after that nothing. Keeping her hand on her head she is deeply drowned in remembering what actually happened in his room.

    Later on, Riddhima asked Vandhana to get ready fast quoting Raghav's words. They both got ready and left for college. In the college ,with the help of juniors and Rithika ,Raghav was doing the ground works and preparations to make a magical proposal. Everything was perfectly positioned as per the plan.  All were  waiting for Vandhana. 

     Finally, the time arrived were Vandhana and Riddhima entered the college. It all began with the dance of the juniors, during the dance they led vandhana to the auditorium with the help of chits. With all the chits there were roses. When she opened the auditorium door, a chit from the top fell straight in her hand, with the words.....

Maybe I cannot cure all your nightmare but, I promise you won't be alone in your struggle.

Reading these words made tears to say hello in Vandhana's eyes. As she finished these words , 10 barels filled with roses, chits with words I LOVE YOU SAMBHAR and  heart shaped  papers fell on Vandhana. Speechless and dumbstruck Vandhana stood as a statue unable to react. Leading by Rithika, a voice message was delivered saying,

I was a rock before seeing you. Your entry in my life was not a accident, it was a blessing. A BOON. I may not a perfect person but you made me perfect.

My love for you never changed, but , your love changed me a lot.

We both are imperfect, but together we are perfect.....

As the words continued....
What will be the reaction of Vandhana???

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