Chapter 20

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"Dahlia?" Sarita called out as she walked into her bedroom.

It was 8am and the usual early bird, who would normally be downstairs making breakfast, instead sat near the window of her bedroom and looked out.

Her eyes looked all across the backyard and was overcome with reminiscent feelings.

There was a small garden right outside her window in their backyard, and it was filled with blooming flowers and vegetables. It immediately made her  remember the time when Ace decided to start a garden. She remembered how enthusiastic they would be around each other, and somehow always bring out the best, and worst.

One single memory of someone could drive you into a whole universe of their memories.

She didn't cry. She just looked out with those empty eyes, which seemed to have lost the sparkle once again.

Richard was downstairs with Kiaan, his work started at 9 so he wanted to make sure his Mum was fine before he left. He wasn't as blissful either, he had his love on one hand and his mother on the other. He knew his mother wasn't the type to not think about others, but at that point he couldn't blame her for feeling the way she did. Truthfully, he was hurt by what they learned the day before. He still  tried to muster all the strength and courage, just for those close to him.

Even after calling out her name, Dahlia didn't look back or even get startled. Sarita sat beside her and held her hand.

"Dahlia, I know you're not okay. Please atleast react to me," Sarita said, with a warm tone.

Dahlia stayed quiet for a few seconds before breaking down and falling onto Sarita's shoulder in tears.

Sarita patted her head and hugged her, giving her the comfort she needed. She cried and even though Sarita's blouse was getting wet, she chose to ignore that and continued to comfort her.

"I-I can't do this-" Dahlia said as she weeped.

"Shh.. Shh.." Sarita whispered, "it's okay, just relax."

Just then, Richard came by to check how she was, and he got alarmed at seeing his mum crying. He was just about to rush to her when Sarita stopped him. She indicated that he shouldn't do anything now, rather leave her to cry all her emotions out.

He hesitated, but chose to listen to Sarita and went back downstairs with a heavy heart.

"Am I causing all of this pain to my mum? Is she suffering because of me?" he thought.

These thoughts invaded Ellie's mind too. Her dad did talk to her, but not normally. He wasn't his usual self, he was carrying the weight of knowing that he indirectly caused the death of one of the closest people in his and Ellie's lives.

She felt like it was her fault, just as Richard did. She hated to see her dad feel distraught like that, and blamed herself. She was dropped off to university with a clouded and heavy mind.

As Dahlia calmed down, she wiped her eyes and started to talk to Sarita. She needed to talk to someone about the conflict that erupted in her heart. She always confided in her, so it was easy for her to lay out her emotions in front of Sarita without any second thoughts.

"I just want them to be happy Sarita," she said in a brittle voice.

"I know you do, we all want them to be, Dahlia. This was unexpected and it's going to be hard to dissolve. What do you want to do? What's going to make you happy at this point?"

"I can't Face Davis. I practically kicked him out with Ellie yesterday, I'm so selfish. I thought of myself only, not even Richard. My baby, he's probably so sad because of this."

Sarita felt hurt to see Dahlia like this. Dahlia was confused and upset, and she didn't know what to do.

"Don't blame yourself, it was traumatic-"

"-No. He's always been the best son and made me happy. I've let him down. He would do anything for me."

Sarita wanted to make her feel better but she had to say what was on her mind.
She wanted to feel better, but she also didn't want to make her happy with the false thoughts.

"It isn't something anyone would've expected. We're all shocked. Ellie must also be feeling bad now, let's not forget about her as well. As for Richard, he's not in his best spot right now. No one is, actually. He's worried about you. You've done a lot for him Dahlia, and so has he."

Dahlia looked down.

Sarita knew she'd need time to be by herself and think about what happened. She needed to reflect on her actions, and choices, so that there would be a good outcome. She was relieved to know that Dahlia said what she needed to.

"He loves you very much Dahlia, but he loves Ellie very much as well. Don't put him in a position that's going to compel that poor child to make a decision between the two of you,"

These words pierced Dahlia's heart. It was something she knew she needed to hear, but still felt absolutely conflicted with herself.

Sarita squeezed her hands reassuringly, and she got up.

Before she could leave, she said four words that impacted Dahlia more than anything.

"Because he'll choose you."

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