𝓑𝓸𝓴𝓾𝓽𝓸 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽 2

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"Hey I've got an Idea! Bokuto, you left your VR headset here last time, we can do a horror map!" You chirped.

"Yeah!" He yelled in reply. "Akaashi? Wanna play?" Bokuto asked, "I'm...ok." Akaashi replied. You trotted over to the cabinet and pulled out two headsets, "You sure you don't wanna play for any specific reason?" I teased, earning a sigh from Akaashi. "No, I do not want to play a horror game that consists of me being jump scared or disturbed, thank you though." He replied and sat on the couch.

"Alright, your loss."

- Literally 20 minutes later - 

Y/N slowly removed the headset, the audible chuckles could be heard in the background as the two detached from each other and shivered from time to time...

"Why did we do that..." Bokuto whispered, the chuckling becoming more evident, "Akaashi....That would've scared the sh1t outta you why are you laughing!?" I exclaimed and sat down on the couch. "Because you guys are fun to watch." He replied, "He's calling you gay." I whispered to Bokuto and walked away confidently, sitting down on the couch a ways away from Akaashi.

"What'd you say to him?" Akaashi whisper asked, you snickered before responding "Watch this." "AKAASHI DON'T USE THAT TERM!" Bokuto yelled and pointed to Akaashi, "I didn't say that, it was them putting words in my mouth." He replied and pointed his hand towards me, "Dammit y/n." He sighed.

This is where it gets all messy |                                                                                                                                         -                                                            V

~The next day~

I woke up to the wonderful smell of his cousins cooking, of course he probably made it from microwave, but I saw Aki helping him, which enlightened me, Bokuto only really knew how to make barbecue (of course). 

I pranced down the stairs, and rubbed my eyes, I saw Tsukki already awake and ready for the day, "How are you already ready?" I blurted, nobody turned to me and continued to slightly stress in the kitchen.

"Hey hey hey! Y/N, Acey over here is helping me make breakfast since I don't really know how!" He exclaimed, he seemed pretty excited, he would probably make really good food anyways.

I walked over to the couch where Yams and TenTen were playing Among Us, "Hey, are you guys in a match?" I asked, "We are, Yamaguchii is the imposter, and there are three people left!" Tendou piped. I smiled at his childish, but adorable remarks.

Wait, adorable? What am I thinking, he's just a friend, or a best friend! he sure is best friend quality, right?

You felt a small blush shoot up your face as you turned back and rush back upstairs to grab your phone.

Once you got up their you crashed onto your bed, your face felt hotter than fresh ramen when you touched it.

Well, well, well, Y/N has a huge crush on this little week friend doesn't she!

"Sure, I guess, I mean he is pretty cute. His attitude at school may be goofy but he's still a fairly smart guy, and he's really funny and fun to hang around!" You muttered, not hearing the shuffling upstairs.

I was expecting a no but ok! I guess I can tease you anytime you around him and make sure you die from embarrassment! Hahaha!

Your face simultaneously got redder, somehow.  "Well! That wouldn't be nice Mikkusu! I may stop talking or listening to you, it'll spoil your fun. Plus Killua is pretty fun to talk to!" You muttered half as loud, you looked up at your ceiling.

My, my. I may be able to embarrass you for the fact that you talk to yourself, you do have quite the problem with that, don't we, Y/N?

"Well, that's not half as bad. That means I can try bullying out!" You piped up, you then heard more shuffling upstairs, assuming it was your brother taking Yams to his room to 'make out', which you've caught once, though it wasn't like that, they were just sharing a short kiss.

You shipped them anyways. You thought they were cute together, aaaaaanyways.

Then Mikkusu began to take you through a fantasy of being bullied, what is was like for at least somebody to hate you, though it seemed like everybody didn't dislike you, you were quiet but you were very nice.

Once you stood up for somebody, which made a rumor, not a bad one though, people thought you were brave after that, and a really nice person.

But all the attention made you insecure, like everybody always wanted to stare at you with anticipation, which made you have an anxiety attack in the middle of the class. (Why did I write that... I was so extra 😭)

After so many people payed attention to these, you just stopped talking, and since middle school it's been like that.

Though there is one girl that does hate you.

Her name is Remiel Hamakiro.

She thought that the school shouldn't have nice students and that they should pry themselves to be led by the elites, the ones that stood up, Remiel thought that to make her big move for an impact she'd go for a student that bothered her the most.

Remiel sometimes tried to start conversations with you, but you either ignored her, were talking to Tendou, or just have a short conversation and leave, without putting details in detail intended conversations.

She hated how much of a reputation you put on the school when you guys were in middle school, after being nice for a little you stopped talking to people, of course, so she got pretty annoyed when people would always talk about you.

She used to be the talk of the town.

Apparently the bullies were 9th graders trying to force a 6th grader in your next door class to take drugs, so she could be stolen.

The child was a goal to take because of how rich she was, when you made an impact, you called the police while being behind a tree, when you stepped around the corner with the most serious-ass face anybodies ever seen, you told them that not only would the school be contacted for their actions, that you also had a gun in your pocket, saying that it belonged to your assassin of a dad, which you pulled out to reveal an actual gun.               (If this sentence doesn't make sense then I understand cause I don't either.)

Your biological dad was a real assassin, well he was, he switched jobs before he almost got caught once, and turned into somebody that worked in the military, your father is now a 2nd graded commander.

So you not only had extreme intelligence, you could also carry a gun, but you would always give it to the school-enforced policeman everyday before school started, a camera was placed in the gun to make sure you never did illegal things.

You got in some trouble after 'threatening' the school kids, but your dad brushed it off, saying you did the right thing.

The kids were caught of course.

The thing is, Remiel hated how much of a bad-ass you seemed to be, which ticked her off because some people now idolized you, which you disliked of course, but Remiel thought you loved all of it, but didn't show it. 


𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐁𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞 - Tendou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now