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This is the third time I've rewritten this chapter because Wattpad won't save >:(

You applied the last bit of light makeup to your face and grabbed your scarf and jumped down the stairs excitedly.

"Bye Tsukki! Have a great date with Yams later!" You exclaimed, "Bye." He mumbled, you took a short glance back and saw him smiling before you stopped at the door.

You turned the knob and opened it to reveal the one and only, "Miricle Boy!" You exclaimed, you surrounded yourself in a hug.

"Good morning Miracle Girl!" He replied, he finally put you down and placed his hands on his hips and sighed.

"It's pretty cold today, and it looks pretty, like you." He joked, you giggled at this and looked back up/over at him.

"Well, let us head off to school, m'lady!" He added, you held out your hand in front of you as he took it.

Your feet crunched through the snow as you both made your way to school, you've been dating a month and Tsukki seems almost out of it every time you say Tendou is coming over.


"Tsukki! Tendou is coming over!" You yelled through the house, you heard a groan in reply.

You chuckled and continued hanging up lights around the house.

"If you're hanging up lights and you fall I'm not calling 911 for you!" Tsukki added, "Sounds good!" You sarcastically replied.


You took this chance and admired the school lights as you went on your stroll, you took out your phone and checked your media when Semi and Michi ran up to you, clearly cold, "Y/NNNNNNNNNN!" She yelled latched onto Semi.

You unlaced your hand from Satori's and held your arms open for Michi as you collided upon the speed she was running at.

"AUGH..MICHI!" You exclaimed as you both fell in the heavy snow, you both broke into laughter when your significant others picked both of you up, "Oi, I thought we were third years, Michi." Semi angrily said.

"Yeah, Y/N - Chan! I thought we were third years." Tendou added, a few snickers backed into it, before the duo broke out into laughter, which received an eye roll from the setter.

You tied your fingers back with Tendou's while the four of you tracked in through the school gates and talked about how your weekends were.


You glanced up at the clock for what seemed like the fortieth time, you let out a small groan and squirmed around a bit, you've been counting.

10 minutes,

5 minutes,

3 minutes.

It's your least favorite teacher, Mr/s. (least favorite), the lesson was short but hard and it took most of the class period to figure out even as a smart kid.

You put the remaining things in your bag quietly as not to disturb the rest of the class and folded your hands in front of you and sighed.

Satori nudged you, "Eh, Y/N, I need help." He sulked, you leaned over at his paper and your eyes widened, there was a big heart on the paper that said:

Will you go to prom with me Darling?

You stared at the paper and looked back at his nervous face, you took out your pencil and wrote with a smirk.

'I dunno >:D'

You snickered and leaned back into your seat, Satori peered at the paper and snickered as well.

𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐁𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞 - Tendou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now