𝓐𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽𝔂

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You reached over for the medkit and enhanced into a deep thought.


"When you need to heal somebody's wounds or your own, first and foremost you must disinfect the wound, find some rubbing alcohol and dab it on the wound, it hurt's y'know." D/N urged, you wrote his words down on your tab named 

'治癒' Which was Chiyu, or Healing, your pencil skimmed the small lines before he cleared his throat, ready to speak again, 

"Second, it is vital to look for bandages or patches, depending on the spot, bandages are good for arm wounds, leg wounds, and stomach wounds, most wounds done to the face are best covered with patches, try to find a good shaped patch, there's a variety of sizes usually found in medkit's, so find a good one for the shape of the wound." He noted, 

you kept writing down his notes until the lesson was over.

~Real Time~

You quickly reached into your pocket taking out a notepad with notes about healing people, 

"Chiyu, Chiyu, Chiyu, Aha! Here it is." You blurted, you put your finger over the notes as you read before finishing the page.

You shoved your hand for the medkit and pulled out a small patch, almost perfect, except his hair was a bit in the way, "Uhh... How do you get his hair to go down?" You muttered.

"Um, I'm pretty sure you can try to part it sideways and douse it with a little bit of water, or try to get the gel out, it's kinda hard." Semi sputtered. You took your hand and put it down the middle of his wild hair, it easily fell into place.

His hair is really soft, almost refreshing.

You pushed his hair out of the spot where the bottle hit, (his upper left forehead, your right) and carefully put some pain reliever and the patch over it.

"Well there you have it, that's our amazing manager." Semi sighed, You shot him a death glared and just laughed a little, "I've only been your manager for 5 days, what makes you think I'm amazing?" You replied.

"It's Tendou's fault! He makes you seem like an amazing person whenever he talks about you!" He retorted, you blushed 200 shades of red before returning to Tendou's soft face, resting peacefully. 

"Well that's nice, he thinks of me as amazing, everybody does, but I don't really like it, I only take attention in doses of 7 people, no more, otherwise I have an anxiety/asthma attack, and then there's a lot of attention on me." You sadly sad, you stroked back a piece of his strawberry hair.

"Well while he's asleep I have a question for you." Ushijima piped,  you jolted your head towards Ushijima, wondering whatever the question was.

"So, d-" He started but of course was interrupted, "Do you like him?" Kuroo yelped, you let out a sigh and looked down to try and hide the blush, but it was like a little text bubble showed up above your head and noted the blush.

"I mean," You looked back up, "Yeah, I'm sure I do, I think that Tendou it just such a good person, and to have somebody to have your back that is just so like you and makes you laugh all the time makes them seem like a good match for you, but best friends are like that to, and Tendou and I are second years, I heard him talking about a girl he already liked back there, but because I came here later this year it's probably not me," You stopped for a moment to take in a deep breath to continue your statement. 

"Plus the volleyball guys always have such popularity and respect to back them up, compared to me I'm only known for backing somebody up in 6th grade, and my biological dad is an assassin, so that put's fear into my name I would think. And I would probably get bullied for taking somebody away from somebody elses desi-." You choked, the voice in your head was so loud.

𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐁𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞 - Tendou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now