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Death, no one likes to talk about death. It's a negative topic that makes everything awkward and uncomfortable. Imagine sitting at the dinner table and talking about death, not a very pleasant evening I assure you. Well death is inevitable. You're born, you live then you die. It's quite simple.
Loss is a part of life,you lose a tooth, you lose your favourite hair tie,you lose your mind. All these things in my opinion are quite easy to move on from but losing a person?Losing a person is the most difficult pain to ever bare, the most challenging fight to ever endure and sometimes you just can't bare the pain or endure the fight long enough. Death does that to people.

Sometimes it's so much that you end up feeling numb. You just want it to end. You try so hard to find the person that you lost and then you end up losing yourself too.People say that Death is in love with Life but I strongly believe that death is envious of life, death wants to become life. Full of lust and beauty. Death wants to suck all the marrow out of life the same way human beings want to. Death will do anything to grasp life in the palm of his hands,just to be close to her before he destroys her. I guess that's the one thing he can't do and maybe that's why he's so hard on us.

Many people go through life not wanting to think about death. It's easier to live that way. Not to be beguiled by the constant worry that your next breath may very well be your last or that when you close your eyes you will never be able to open them again. Never be able to lay eyes on the people you care about the most or those little carnations you planted last spring. The crimson colour that reminded you what it was like to feel. The petals that were soft and brought a smile to your pale face in any moment.

Other people cannot stop thinking about death because death has reached out his hand and stole someone from them. Now they have changed forever. An irreversible change. They have become someone they can't even recognize.  A stranger to themselves. 

For Grace Anderson it was exactly that. When she was six her parents bought the most elegant Victorian style mansion. It was a good distance from the elementary school that she and her brother Miles were going to attend. Miles was just a year older than her but he used the age factor in relation to everything. It annoyed Grace because she knew the fact that Miles was six didn't mean he could have the last slice of cake. Grace always put up a fight, she wanted it to be equal between them. So even if she didn't want cake she would still eat the half that belonged to her. That's how they grew up,sharing most things. They learned that it worked for them. They had gotten used to it, and they liked it. The only thing Grace was happy that she didn't share with Miles was her room. When they moved into the house they had both gotten their own rooms. At first Grace didn't want to sleep on her own, she was five so it was normal. Thankfully Miles felt the same way so they shared a room for about two years but when Miles turned eight he declared that he wanted to have his own room. He decided to take the room directly across the hall from the room that Grace and him slept in. He decorated it blue and stuck Batman posters all around the walls. Grace was upset that she wouldn't be sharing a room with her brother anymore but she didn't say anything because she didn't want him to think that she was afraid to sleep alone. It took some getting used to but Grace was finally able to start sleeping alone, only when Miles explained that he was just down the hall from her.

Miles always made her feel safe. Even when she started school. He was always right beside her. As they grew things didn't change. They would always take care of each other. When they got to middle school Miles became even more protective and when High school came he was like her personal bodyguard. Miles and Grace just understood each other and when they didn't and they were upset they would eat cake,  always sharing the very last piece.

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