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Grace headed home from school before the first period. Taylor had successfully annoyed her and she figured that was reason enough to leave. Just when she thought that maybe she could get through the day he went and said what he said. How could he have said that? He was so insensitive, how did he expect her to just get over it? If he was in her position for just a moment he would probably explode. No one knew it but she was doing her best to keep herself together. No one except Miles knew. In fact Miles didn't know! He didn't understand, he would never understand. That's what made Grace even more furious. She stormed into the house and threw her bag onto the couch. She walked to the kitchen to get some water. Miles was watching the microwave with purpose.

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be in the first period or something?",he asked when he saw her and a quizzical expression took over his face.

"Aren't you supposed to be doing something other than heating up lasagne",Grace shrugged as she gave him a look.

"It's not Pedro's",he defended himself. "What's up? Did someone upset you?",Miles questioned as he immediately put up a stern look. He looked as if he was prepared to beat up anyone Grace pointed out to him.




"Grace",Miles started as he turned to his sister and gave her a frown.

"You were supposed to be with me,Miles. School wasn't the same without you. I know I'm needy but if you were there, hell if you were there I wouldn't be feeling how I feel right now",Grace shook her head and headed toward the staircase.

"Munch, wait", Miles walked toward her. "I'm here, I'm right here",he said as he placed his hand on her arm. It was his way of comforting her, letting he know that he really was there.

"But that's the thing, you're not. Everything is so messed up",Grace sighed.

"Don't give up , this isn't the end",Miles said softly.

"You should be the last one telling me not to give up!",Grace yelled. Loudly. Extremely loudly. To the point where she felt an ache in her head. She made her way up to the room expecting Miles to follow her but he didn't.

As she walked toward her room she saw that the door at the end of the hall was slightly ajar. She walked forward without actually realizing it. Miles' room was just as he had left it. Grace walked through the door and looked around. His bed was unmade. His curtains were drawn and his bedside table had a few comics thrown on it. He was lazy and hated to tidy up his room. At first she didn't know why Miles chose the room right at the end of the hall but then when she eventually saw the room she knew his motives instantly. There was a huge window in the room. A human sized window and it was beautiful. You could see the entire street, even further because their house was a double storey. Grace envied him for being so smart but then eventually she realised that it was easy for people to see through the window and she didn't want anyone to invade her privacy. Miles could deal with the peeping Toms.

There were a few photos stuck on the wall in Miles room, very sloppily. Photos of Miles in his hockey uniform, Miles with his friends,Miles with Taylor and Miles next to his jeep which he adored. He probably loved that jeep more than he loved Grace. Grace laid eyes on one particular photo, it was a photo of Miles and her making weird faces. It wasn't stuck on his wall,it was in a frame. His arm was around her shoulder and they were basically laughing. Her father took that photo, he insisted they make memories.
Grace thought back to when things were different. It made her want to punch something, but she didn't because she knew she would regret it. Not only would Miles throw a fit but she would probably hurt herself too and that was just unnecessary. Then again, feeling pain is better than being numb right? That wasn't enough though, Grace wanted to feel nothing. Grace took a deep breath and brought her hand up to her ponytail. With one swift motion she pulled her hair tie down which let loose her hair. When it cascaded down to her shoulders she didn't even do anything to tame it. She gripped the hair tie in the palm of her hand, tightly. She walked toward Miles window. It was a little dirty. She stopped and walked back to grab the frame. With her hair tie and she frame in her hand she opened it slowly and the cold air hit her face. She gasped not expecting it would be so exhilarating. She took a deep breath and climbed onto the window, carefully.

Her hair began to dance with the wind and she looked around the street. It was quiet. Most people had already left for work and started their day. She turned her face and looked toward the door of Miles' room but there was no sign of Miles. He was probably gobbling down his lasagna. Lasagna sounded good. Grace didn't realise she was hungry.

When Miles and her were kids they loved going to Pedro's for the lasagne. Miles and Grace could eat lasagne every single day of the week.

Grace smiled a small smile. She knew what she had to do, it was the only way to make it all better. The solution to the problem. The way to end all the pain. She was tired of feeling the pain, of feeling the emotions. She was tired of feeling but she was tired of being numb. She just wanted nothing. If that made sense. But what she really wanted was things to go back to how they were, before everything happened. Before she lost a part of her that was now gone forever. She looked back toward the door one last time in search of Miles. He wasn't there.

Grace took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"I'll see you again, Miles",her words were more in her head than actually out loud.

Grace jumped.

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