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Grace awoke with a startle. Her head was pounding. It felt like a toothache in her brain. All she knew was that she had a nightmare. It was confusing and but she remembered everything that happened in the nightmare. The deviously handsome boy with the dark hair and wild eyes and the deal he had offered her. She decided that she had been watching too much science fiction movies and she was going to cut down on those for a while, maybe read a nice non weird book. Something without any supernatural factors, no vampires no witches and definitely no one that works for the Devil.

Grace slipped off the covers and slid off her bed slowly. The pain in her head was excruciating and she wanted to bang her head against the wall. Her dream or nightmare rather kept playing on and on in her head. She realised what she did in her nightmare. Miles' bedroom window, how she jumped. Grace made her way down to the kitchen and realised that no one was home. It was empty. When she stole a glance at the clock it said nine thirty, she was late for school but she didn't care because she didn't plan on going. She made her way to the cupboard and searched for some aspirin. There was nothing there. She needed something to make the pain go away. It hurt too much. She decided that she needed to head to the drug store. Grace groaned when she entered the garage and both her parents cars' were gone. The only thing that occupied the garage was Miles' jeep. Miles' jeep! She ran back to the kitchen and grabbed his keys off the key holder and her bag then made her way back to the vehicle. She hopped into the driver seat and felt the leather seat against her skin. She never really drove Miles' car. He would usually drive her around if she needed to go places. He was protective when it came to driving too. He was protective about everything with Grace.

As Grace pulled out of the garage and was about to exit the driveway when she saw something. She froze as she stopped the car and jumped out almost instantly. She couldn't believe her eyes. Her mind was playing tricks on her. Her eyes were fixed on the big tree next to the driveway. Right in the middle of the bark the name "Damian"  was engraved.

Grace's heart pounded rapidly in her chest. She felt like she was having palpitations. Her body begin to shake and she realised that her petrifying nightmare wasn't a nightmare. Grace's breathing hitched and she felt like she was having a panic attack.

"Damian!",she called. "Damian!",she screamed as loud as she could. She screamed his name over again.

"Good morning, Amazing Grace",Damian's voice seemed cheery. "Oh, look at you",he said with a disgusted look as he laid eyes on Grace. "You look awful",Damian shook his head.

"Damian, you were serious? About everything? Am I dead right now?",Grace questioned in a rushed tone.

"Firstly, I'm always serious. I don't make jokes. Secondly no you're not dead. Didn't I explain the deal to you? If you decline my offer then you die by the end of tonight, if you  accept then you have to allow me to make you... bad",Damian said and put air quotes above the word bad. "Once we successfully do that you can go ahead and slit your throat whenever, next month, next year, yesterday",he shrugged.

"I don't want to go to The Inbetween, Damian. I can't ",Grace pleased with him. "That place is, it's..."

"You don't have to go there if you accept my terms. You'll never have to experience that again",Damian said with a nod.

"Promise me?"

"I don't make promises, Grace",Damian said sternly.

"Damian, please."

"I promise you that you won't have to go there again, Grace",Damian let out a breath. "I promise."

"You can have my soul."

"I am pleased to hear that", he nodded again.

"You don't look pleased, you can smile you know",Grace shrugged.

"I do smile. I'm attractive when I smile",Damian said with a shrug.

"I'm attractive when I smile",Grace mocked him.

"Are you saying you don't find me irresistibly handsome?", Damian asked raising an eyebrow.

"I barely find you handsome, hardly irresistibly handsome now",Grace said as she walked back to the jeep and opened the door.

"Where are you going?",Damian asked as he watched her get into the vehicle.

"To the drug store",Grace looked at him. "Don't worry I'm not going to kill myself again, I just need some aspirin my head hurts. I think it's because I died and came back to life",Grace shrugged.

"Probably ",Damian shrugged and then walked to the other side of the jeep and then opened the door.

"What do you think you're doing?", Graced asked as she turned to face Damian who had already slipped into the jeep and shut the door.

"I'm going with you to get aspirin, although I could get you there faster than this thing",Damian replied.

"This thing isn't a thing, this is Twinkles",Grace said as she touched the dashboard.

"Twinkles, that doesn't seem suitable for a Jeep."

"Don't you have other souls to steal?",Grace asked as she pulled out of the driveway and onto the road.

"Steal? I don't steal souls, it's an agreement, Grace",Damian said as he pressed the power button on the radio.

"Don't touch anything",she slapped his hand out of the way but not before the sound of Metallica filled the atmosphere.

"Don't touch me",Damian rolled his eyes. "Ride The Lightning",he added with no further elaboration.

"You like Metallica?",Grace questioned. "Fade To Black  is my favourite song from that album",Grace said as she turned the steering wheel firmly.

"What is it about you and death?",Damian asked giving her a look.

Grace didn't say anything, instead she just looked forward at the road. Trying to concentrate on getting to the Drug store before her head exploded.

"Life it seems to fade away.Drifting further everyday",Damian shifted his gaze to Grace.
"Getting lost within myself.Nothing matters no one else."

"Keep that up and I might end up being able to tolerate you",Grace almost smiled.

"You know I'm not the Devil",Damian said teasingly. "I'm cooler. Now tell me why you're so cranky",Damian instructed her.

"Wait, you don't know?",Grace looked at him in shock.

"I'm a dark angel Grace, not a psychic",he rolled his eyes.

"This is a business deal isn't it? We don't have to get personal",Grace stated.

"We don't have to but I want your dirty secrets Amazing Grace. I know that you're not as innocent as you pretend to be."

"I don't pretend to be innocent,  I don't pretend to be anything."

Damian didn't respond to her statement. He just looked out the window realizing they were at the drug store already.

"So what's first on the list of bad things to do?",Grace questioned as she killed the engine.

"This is going to be fun."

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