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The hospital was private and their parents requested for Miles to have the best doctors treating him. Miles thought that was stupid since he was going to die anyway.When Miles had to spend the rest of his time in the hospital Grace was with him through every moment. She even brought a blow up matress to sleep on. She would bring him pudding cups and ice cream and most of all cake. Grace remembered the time she fell asleep beside his bed and when she woke up he was smiling at her. She scolded him for not waking her and then she hugged him and caressed his hair. Some of his hair fell onto her hands and she remembered the feeling of looking down at it wishing she could stick it back on his head. Miles was comfortable before he died. Many people came to say goodbye to him. Grace hated the fact that she had to say goodbye to him. How could she find the right words and she knew she would never have enough time to say all that she wanted to say.

She still remembered the way Miles laid in his bed. Taylor and Alyssa standing beside him. Taylor held his hockey shirt and told him about how they would never get a player as good he was. Alyssa remained quiet crushed by the fact that she never got to tell Miles the way she felt about him. Alyssa always had crush on him and she prolonged telling him about it. Grace offered to put in a word for her but Alyssa was too scared to take a chance. 

"We now have a losing hockey team",Taylor shook his head and laughed.

"You're the new star player, you got this",Miles nodded.

He had this way of making people feel like they were capable of anything. He made them feel like someone believed in them. Miles had hope, enough for the entire world.

"At least you're leaving us with,Grace",Taylor sent a smile toward Grace who wasn't even interested in anything he was saying.

"Don't miss me too much, you guys",Miles said in a serious tone. "In fact don't miss me at all",he ordered.

"How can we not?",Alyssa questioned. "You always entertained us with your lousy dancing",she giggled.

"The dance machine",Taylor extended his laugh.

"Think about how much I'm going to be dancing in heaven",Miles said smugly.

"You really think you're going there?",Taylor asked teasingly.

"Wherever I'm going, I belong there. Hopefully it's alongside some beautiful angels",Miles joked.

"Have fun wherever you're going but not too much now",Taylor warned.

"We'll join you in a bit",Alyssa smiled. "We just gotta mess up a few more things in this life."

"Take care of my munch or else I'm going to haunt you guys",Miles replied and gestured that he was watching them.

Grace didn't like the fact that Miles basically left her in the car of Alyssa and Taylor so she took herself out of their care without them actually knowing.

After Taylor and Alyssa said goodbye to Miles they left. Grace stayed and ate a slice of cake with her brother while her parents had their last moments with him. She had never seen her mother cry so much before. The tears overflowed. Grace had cried enough and she didn't want her brother to see her crying before he died. So she tried her best to hold back her tears. Miles was so strong. He joked and laughed as if he was about to walk out of the hospital the very next day.Grace remembered holding her brother's hand.
Her mother told her she needed to say goodbye. Grace was speechless. She wanted to avoid saying goodbye to Miles entirely because instead of being sad she was filled with anger. She was angry that he was leaving her. She was going to be alone. She was going to have to face the world without him by her side. No more inside jokes, no more movie marathons, no more banana splitsies. He would never know the person she would become. He would never get to become the person he was meant to be. It was all so unfair and it ignited an inferno inside of Grace. She felt so much hate. Toward everything and everyone. If God really existed why would he take her brother away from her. Why would he take the person she loved the most in the entire world. Grace hated God. She hated God for allowing this to happen.
Grace left the room without saying anything to Miles. She figured saying nothing was the best thing she could do. She was halfway down the staircase when she realised she was making a mistake. By the time she ran back up to Miles room her mother was crying hysterically. Her father shook his head as he tried to contain his wife. Grace remembered feeling as if everything was happening in slow motion. She gripped her pendant that hung off her necklace and tried to breath. She couldn't hear a thing. She saw people coming toward her and saying things to her buy she couldn't make out what they were saying.

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