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It was darkness. Just darkness. Nothingness. Just nothingness. It wasn't what Grace thought it would be. She thought the nothingness would be peaceful. She thought it would feel better. It was nothing like she thought. It was agony. A void. Complete and utter oblivion. She couldn't quite understand it. She didn't feel any pain, she missed the pain. She wanted the pain back.

"Wake up."

The voice was low and cold. She didn't know where it came from. All she knew was that her eyes were closed. She didn't open them, instead she held them shut even tighter.

"Wake up."

This time the voice was quieter but it was still an instruction. Grace squirmed and then her eyes fluttered open. She was laying on the ground and she felt the soft grass underneath her skin. She tried to sit up and her vision blurred instantly.

"Do you need a hand?",there it was again. The voice. The low voice that gave her chills. She looked around as her vision became a little clearer. She was near the sidewalk but she wasn't outside her house, she was almost a block away from her house. She recognized the houses that surrounded her because one of them was Alyssa's house.

She looked around once more in search of where the voice came from. She was unaware if she was hallucinating. Maybe it was a side effect of death.That is when she saw him.

His olive skin shone in the light and his jet black hair was a little ruffled but set perfectly on his head. He had a serious expression on his face as he stood against the tree seeming uninterested at the girl that was sprawled across the floor in front of him.

"Where am I ?",Grace asked as she tried to lift herself off the ground. She did so successfully but felt very hazy.

"That's quite a stupid question now don't you think? We're like a block away from your house,Grace. I think you would know where we are",he smirked and dimples formed in between the corners of of his lips and cheeks.

"How do you know my name?",she questioned becoming alarmed as she tried to pull herself together.

"I really need to teach you about these questions don't I? It's not how do I know your name but rather why do I know your name",he said as her looked directly into Grace's stark blue eyes.

He moved closer to her but not too close to make her feel uncomfortable, just close enough so that he could stand next to her.

"What is going on?Who are you?My head hurts ",she began to rant.

"My head is going to start hurting too if you don't shut up",the tall male said and his soulless eyes widened.

"Excuse me?"

"No you cannot be excused. Walk", he instructed her and he started walking in the direction of her house. Grace reluctantly followed because she knew her house was close by.

"Can you explain what is going on?",Grace said in a shroud tone.

"Try again, a little nicer this time Amazing Grace",he raised an eyebrow at her.

"Please explain what's going on",she sighed feeling defeated and extremely confused.

"Why did you try to kill yourself Grace?",his tone wasn't concerned he just seemed annoyed.

"What? What are you talking about?You don't even know me!",Grace exclaimed and she began to walk past him and increase her pace until she was running.

When she turned into the road that she lived on she slowed down and took a look back to see if the creepy guy was still following her. She sighed in relief when she couldn't see him in sight. She turned forward and right in front of her, inches from her face were the soulless grey eyes that she had just retreated from in haste and fear.

Grace gasped and took a step back in horror. Questioning how it was possible that the man she just ran away from was now standing right in front of her.

"Come on now,Grace. You've got to inform me if you're going to go on an impromptu run",he shrugged and rolled his eyes.

"I don't know who you are, leave me alone!"



"My name is Damian."

"I don't care, just leave me alone."

"That is a little bit rude don't you think Grace? You're quite lucky that I don't have a temper like my father",he grinned.

Grace continued walking as she entered her yard. Damian followed behind her. She was about to turn and ask him to leave. Actually to demand that he leave but what she saw in front of her made her mouth drop to the ground.

There were shards of glass all over the ground almost as if there were an arrangement. The frame was in pieces and the photograph of her and Miles was damaged.The sunlight reflected off the pieces and it was almost blinding. Amongst the shards of broken glass was a body. The golden hue of hair, the petite shape. The pale skin. It was Grace. Her body was lying lifeless on the ground right in front of her. Grace looked down at herself in horror.

Fallen GraceWhere stories live. Discover now