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With one swift motion Damian landed on the roof of a building. He slowly released his grip on Grace and she let out the breath that she was holding. He took a step back as Grace faced him. Almost instantly the wings that rose over his head, disappeared into his back once again as if they were never there.

The wind swept through the night and Grace hugged herself as she turned and took in the sights. They were on a roof top. She had no idea where they were but it was beautiful. The sky was glowing with the lights from the life that lied beneath it. Grace was in awe. She looked down at to see people moving about as if it was early in the morning. The noise was somewhat comforting. Grace looked up at the blanket of stars that stretched to infinity. They definitely weren't in Oregon anymore.

"Where are we?",Grace asked not even looking at Damian.


"Rome? As in Italy?",Grace said in disbelief.

"No the other Rome",Damian rolled his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Damian, its beautiful. I can't believe this",Grace said, her eyes full of wonder.

"Amazing Grace, your surprise awaits", Damian gestured to the door at the end of the roof top.


"I promised you memories and fun, now come on",Damian said grabbing her hand and pulling her toward the door.

His hand was warm and soft. She liked the way it made her feel. Damian opened the door and they both slipped through and began making their way down a flight of stairs. Grace began to hear the sound of music. The blasts reverberated through Grace's chest cavity as Damian pulled her through the door at the bottom of the staircase.

The flashing lights made it hard to see and the space was eerie. There were too many people squashed together. It was a club,Grace had never been to a club. It was different but she wasn't sure if she liked it or not.

"You ready?",Damian asked her still holding on to her hand tightly.

"Ready for-", Grace started but the sound of a familiar beat filled her ears. She had to stop because her attention was diverted to the center stage.

"Is that freaking James Hetfield?",Grace questioned as her eyes widened. "Is that Metallica?",Grace screamed so Damian could hear her.

"Damn straight, in the flesh and blood",Damian smiled.

"Oh my God!",Grace screamed in elation.

As the band began to play their song Grace felt the rhythm in her heart. She got lost in the harmony and embraced every melody. She didn't realise it but she was screaming out the lyrics and dancing to the beat.
Damian looked at her as he released the hold he had on her hand and let her be free in that moment.

He watched the way her hair bounced as she jumped up and down. The golden hue that highlighted her face. He didn't like the way it concealed her face. It hid her beauty. It was hard to focus on her with all the lights flashing but somehow she looked even more beautiful in the chaos.The shape of her face and the way her body moved was like the rhythm of the music, mesmerizing.

As the song ended and another began, Damian couldn't resist the urge to pull Grace out of the club. So he gave in and grabbed her hand again.

"Let's go",he said as he pulled her toward the exit.

"That was fucking awesome!",Grace exclaimed as they stood on the side walk.

"I've got to say Amazing Grace, it's good to see you like this",Damian smiled.

"Thank you, Damian. Thanks for bringing to here. You're God damn amazing",Grace said smiling intensely.

Damian sighed and then began walking down the road. They past people that were making their way into restaurants and clubs.

"Why did we leave?",Grace pouted.

"They're playing all night, I thought maybe we could take a walk",Damian said. "Rome is the most alive at night."

"I still can't believe how beautiful it is",Grace blinked as if she was trying to make the entire city disappear.

"This is life,Amazing Grace. This is life",Damian said as they walked toward the fence that separated the land from a body of water.

Damian leaned against it and Grace peered over like a little girl. The water was calm and Grace felt calm in that moment.

"So this is truly living?",Grace questioned in a serious tone.

"I don't know, you tell me. Do you feel alive?",Damian questioned as he turned to gaze upon the water. A silence lingered between them and for awhile it was just the sound of two people breathing and the air that surrounded them.

"Did they hurt?",Grace spoke in question which put an end to the silence. This earned her a quizzical look from Damian. "Your tattoos, did they hurt?"

Damian now wore an amused expression. He moved away from the fence and Grace's attention followed him. His eyes taunted Grace in the moonlight and he seemed more intimidating than usual.

"When pain is over, the remembrance of it often becomes a pleasure",Damian answered. "Jane Austen. Now you see Amazing Grace, my tattoos are reminders of things that I've been through and things that are important to me, things I value. You see this?",Damian pointed to symbols on his arm. They looked Japanese and Grace already knew she had no idea what they meant.

"It's Japanese, it says ichigo ichie which roughly translates to “a one-time encounter.” It means that what we're experiencing now will never happen again, we have to make the most of every moment. This is why I want to do everything and experience everything that every world has to offer. Don't you want that?",Damian placed his hand on his shoulder.

His eyes pierced into her and made her feel naked. Grace swallowed hard and felt his words affect her.


"Yes,Amazing Grace?"

"I want a tattoo."

Fallen GraceWhere stories live. Discover now