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Dear Miles,

I'm in France. I'm in France. I can't believe it myself. I went to Italy too and Las Vegas. I have a tattoo now and brown hair. It's short too. I worked up the courage to read your letter a little while ago. It's been playing on my mind ever since. I couldn't imagine you sitting and writing me that letter, the thought just amuses me. I miss you,Miles. I miss you so much but I'm dealing with it. I'm dealing with my emotions like a mature adult. Earlier this year I decided to kill myself. Actually, earlier this year I killed myself but I was saved. I was saved by a demon-angel named Damian. He's so different,Miles. I fell in love with him,Miles. He showed me what it feels like to truly live. He makes me feel so alive. I have not forgotten you, in everything I do I still think of you. I think of banana splitsies every single day. It doesn't make me cry anymore. Instead it makes me smile. You were the best brother, do you know that? You have taught me so much,Miles. You showed me what real love was and I wish I could thank you properly for that. I owe my life to you. I am making a promise that I will live the best life, I'm going to suck the marrow out of life for the both of us. I may not be able to climb the Eiffel Tower like a monkey but I promise that I will try. Thank you for everything,Miles. I want you to know that I will never stop looking at the stars, I also want you to know that you're not just the moon. You're a star,Miles but you're not just a star. You're the whole God damn galaxy. I apologize for cussing but it's something I do now and I must say it's electrifying. I hope that wherever you are, you're having fun and there are some good looking angels there too. I'm not sure where I'm going when I die, Damian says he can do some angel magic and poof us into another world but whatever happens I don't really care. As long as I'm with Damian and we have chicken nuggets.
I love you,Miles. The love I have for you extends more than just miles, Miles. See I'm funny.
I have to go now, Damian says there's lots of cheese to eat and wine to drink.


Your Munch Monster.

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