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Grace's parents had been begging her to do normal teenager stuff so she decided to give up and give in. She called Alyssa and invited her over to spend the night. Alyssa didn't need much convincing and was at Grace's house and hour before Grace told her to actually be there. Grace liked having Alyssa around, she knew Alyssa cared about her. When Grace told her what happened with Taylor, Alyssa was in disbelief. She immediately said that their friendship with Taylor was terminated. She said that what he did was disgusting. Grace had to physically stop Alyssa from making a nasty phone call to Taylor and his parents. She manage to calm Alyssa down with snacks.

"I'm so glad we're doing this, it's just like old times",Alyssa smiled as she carried the bag of chips up the stairs and toward Grace's room.

"It does feel like that doesn't it?", Grace said in agreement. "I keep waiting for Miles to crash our sleepover and steal our snacks."

Alyssa turned to her and smiled as she closed Grace's bedroom door. Grace was no seated on the edge of her bed and scanned the photo frame on her bedside table. It was the frame from Miles bed room. She liked it better in her room. That way she could wake up every morning and see their weird facial expressions and smile. She had photos of her and Miles in her room but this was by far her favourite.

"I miss him too",Alyssa said as she joined Grace on the bed and placed her hand on hers.

"He never knew how you felt about him,Aly. If he did I bet he would have-"

"I'm glad I didn't tell him, It would have hurt more when he left",Alyssa interjected.

"I understand. I know you cared about him",Grace said sincerely. "Alyssa? Do you believe in love?"

Alyssa gave Grace a thoughtful gaze. It was like she was choosing her words carefully in order to answer the question Grace had asked her.

"I believe in love,Grace. I do. Do you know why?",Alyssa replied. "Because I saw the way Miles looked at you. He loved you, so much. You were his everything. You were so lucky to have been loved like that."

Grace accepted the truth of what Alyssa said. She was lucky to have been loved the way Miles loved her. To be protected and cared for by him. The purity of his love outweighed everything else in Grace's life.

"You're right,Aly. I should be grateful",Grace nodded.

"You are,I know you are. You loved him just as much as he loved you, you didn't take him for granted. That is what I admire about you",Alyssa put her arm around Grace. "And this other boy that you're clearly lovestruck for, go for it. If he's helped you realise that you have your own life to live then he has got my approval",Alyssa laughed as she grabbed the bag of chips and opened it.

"I wish it were that simple,Aly. He is one big complication",Grace said sadly.

"Is this note from him?",Alyssa said as she pulled out a slip of paper that was peeking out from under Grace's pillow. She handed it to Grace.

Grace smoothed it out and looked down at the words scribbled across the small piece of paper.

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.
                        ~ Oscar Wilde.

Meet me at Angels Park tomorrow,Amazing Grace.

Grace smiled at the note. She was unsure if he wanted apologise she was just excited to see him. She could never be sure of anything with Damian. He was vague and mysterious. He always kept her guessing, and along the way she fell for him, hard. She was undeniably, irrevocably and completely in love with Damian.

"Yes,Aly. It is",Grace sighed as she stood up.

"You're totally whipped aren't you?",Alyssa giggled.

"Something to that effect",Grace admitted as she walked over to her mirror and looked at herself.

"I am so not ready for whatever he has to say."

"I know exactly how to get you ready!",Alyssa said with excitement in her voice.

Grace knew exactly what was about to happen. She also knew that she had absolutely no control over it. She had basically brought it upon herself.


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