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Grace's mother brought the casseroles to the dinner table while Grace carried the cheesecake that they were going to have for dessert. It had been almost seven months since Miles passed away and even longer since they sat together to eat dinner as a family. Grace felt that they shouldn't call it a "family dinner" if the entire family wasn't going to be present. So they scrapped the concept of dinner all together. Grace always ate up in her room and her parents would eat together.

"Gracie, this is so good",her mother said as they all sat down at the table. "How is school?"

"I hate it but I am going to finish this year",Grace said determined.

"That's my girl",her father nodded. "That cheesecake looks delicious, did you make it,Grace?", he added teasingly.

"You would know if I made it, it wouldn't look edible",Grace answered.

Her humor snatched a laugh out of both her parents. She could tell how much they missed this. She realised that they had lost both their children. Grace felt somewhat felt sorry for them. She had always thought they didn't understand the way she felt because of the bond that she shared with her brother,not realizing that he was their son. It was different but it was still the same.

"Shall we pray?",her mother said as their laughter died off.

"Actually I wanted to say something",Grace injected. "I want to apologize for everything that I've put you two through. You didn't deserve it",Grace said taking a breath.

"Oh Gracie, it's okay. We know how hard it is. Losing your brother was the worst thing we ever had to go through. You and Miles were inseparable. We understand that you need time",her mother said as woke up from her seat and moved toward Grace in order to console her.

"I've taken time,mom. It was exhausting. The pain was too much. I don't want anymore time. I want to celebrate him not mourn him",Grace said shaking her head.

A tear rolled down her mother's face. Seeing her daughter healing was something she had lost hope in. She felt that Grace would forever be changed by the death of her brother. Her assumption was true to some extent. Grace was changed. Her eyes were opened to the pain and heartache of the wold. It was in meeting Damian that she was finally able to close her eyes and see the beauty in the world.

"Where is all of this coming from,Grace?",her father asked dumbfounded but with a smile on his face.

"I met someone",Grace said with a glow in her eyes. "I met someone and he showed me what it was like to be alive. From a roof top in Rome to a theatre in Las Vegas",Grace's smile grew as she spoke.

"Rome? Vegas?",her father questioned with a quizzical expression.

"She's being hypothetical, Matthew",her mother rolled her eyes at her father.

"To live is the rarest thing in the world, most people exist, that is all",Grace said loudly. "Oscar Wilde",she added.

"Is this us getting our Gracie back?",her mother asked as tears spilled all over Grace's blouse when her mother hugged her.

"I don't know, but I am something",Grace answered thinking about Damian and the strength he gave her without even knowing it.

"It finally feels like we're a family again",her mother said through the tears.

"Grace, kiddo. Your brother loved you just as much as you loved him. He told you that. He also told you that he wants you to be happy. You should give him that if you can",he father nodded. "Happiness is not impossible, and don't you feel guilty for it",he said sternly.

"Matthew, we have to meet this boy first",her mother turned and gave her father a look.

"I said she must be happy,Sabrina not get married",he rolled his eyes as brought the casserole of mashed potatoes toward himself.

Grace laughed. It felt good to laugh with her parents. Not as good as it felt to laugh with Damian but it still felt good.

"Shall we eat before your father finishes all the mashed potatoes?",her mother smiled.

"Sure, you two better get used to these dinners",Grace informed them.

"Of course, kiddo. Can you pass me the pepper?",her father asked politely.

"Yes,Gracie. You must tell me all about this boy you've met",her mother wiggled her eyebrows.

Grace grabbed the pepper and handed it to her father. He looked at the pepper as if he was examining it. Then he raised his eyebrow.

"Is that a tattoo?"

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