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Her dress flowed to the ground. It was lilac and brought out her eyes.Her mother insisted that she wear it. Grace struggled to walk in the stilettos but she endured the uncomfortable feeling and managed not to fall flat on her face. Alyssa stood beside her with a shorter dress that came to her knees and highlighted her figure. People began to exit the school in crowds. They were filled with excitement and glee.

"Gracie",he mother smiled as she hugged Grace with tears in her eyes.

"We're so proud of you",her father wrapped his arms around his wife and his daughter. "You too,Alyssa",he added not wanting to make the girl feel excluded.

"Thank you, Mr and Mrs Anderson",Alyssa nodded and then whispered to Grace that she spotted her parents.

"How did we get this far?Graduation seemed like a lifetime away",Grace chuckled in disbelief.

"Well my baby did it",he father said squeezing her tightly.

"Are we going out to celebrate?",he mother questioned energetically.

"Actually, I think Damian is-",Grace started but she stopped as she felt a hand grip her at the waist.

Damian pulled her toward him but not too close because Mr Anderson was now eyeing him.

"Ms Graduate",Damian smiled as he placed a small kiss on the side of Grace's head.

"Hello,Damian nice to see you again",her mother gave him a warm smile.

"Hi, Mr Anderson. Mrs Anderson. Would you mind if I stole your Amazing Grace for a while?",he questioned with his usual mischievous smirk growing.

"Isn't that what you usually do?",Mr Anderson joked. "Sure,Damian. You two  be safe now."

"Gracie, you have to stay a while and mingle until all the cars clear out from the parking lot. It would be rude to your teachers if you left right now",he mother explained.

Grace groaned and then agreed to stay a while. She and Damian walked to the end of the parking lot to be alone.

"I missed you",she smiled as she hugged him tightly. He smelled like the spring rain and Grace never seemed to get enough of it.

"You look stunning ",he said admiring her from an arm's length. "It's taking all I have right now not to rip this dress of your body and kiss you everywhere."

Grace gasped at the sound of Damian's words. She hadn't got used to him yet. Each day she discovered something new about him. Something that she fell in love with. She couldn't stop falling in love with him. She felt like she would be falling in love with Damian for the rest of her life and afterlife. She hoped she would be falling in love with Damian for the rest of her life and afterlife. She only wanted to love Damian.

"I want to leave",Grace whined.

"You do?",Damian raised an eyebrow.

"Obviously",she rolled her eyes.

"How bad?"

"Extremely",Grace looked at his lips. "I want to kiss you so God damn bad",she smiled.

"Okay",Damian said swiftly. He smiled and then looked up at the sky.

Grace didn't understand what he was doing. She just took the moment to admire how beautiful he was. His chiseled jawline and his neck. She wanted to kiss him so badly.

Just then she felt a droplet fall on her. Grace touched her head in confusion. Then another drop. The sky begin to roar and within a second the rain was spilling down.

"Oh my God",Grace said as she felt the rain seep into her clothes and hair.

"You said you wanted to leave",Damian shrugged as they looked around and saw everyone running to their cars and taking shelter.

"The perks of dating a demon-angel",Grace said as she stood on her tiptoes and kissed him. She closed her eyes and felt as Damian smiled into their kiss.

When Grace opened her eyes they were both soaking wet and they were no longer in the parking lot of the school. She looked around and realised that they were on the roof of a building.

"I want to kiss you on the roof of every building in the world",Damian said as he cupped her chin in his hands and lifted her face up to him once again.

"How did you find me,Damian?",Grace said softly.

"You found me,Grace",Damian smiled. "I love you,and that's the beginning and end of everything",his kissed her softly. "F. Scott Fitzgerald."

"I want to spend forever with you, our love makes me feel alive",Grace said. "Grace Anderson",she added as if she were impressed with herself.

"You fucking make me weak",Damian shook his head as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"Are we in Italy?",Grace questioned.

"Guess again",Damian teased.

"I don't know but it's beautiful."


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