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Grace looked at her brother with a perplexed expression. She had just asked him where he would go if he could go to one place in the entire world and he said France. Her answer was somewhere between Santa's Workshop and Disney World. It was a normal answer for a six year old but here was Miles, just a year older than her, saying France. Grace wasn't even sure where France was.

"France?",Grace said feeling the foreign word on her tongue as she and Miles took in their new house. The house they would be living in for a long,long time.

Grace loved the fact that the house was so big. It made her feel like she was a princess in a castle.

"Yes, I want to climb the Eiffel Tower like a monkey",Miles laughed as he pretended to be a monkey and jumped around.

Grace laughed at his stupidity. Miles always made her laugh. She liked that about him. Even when she cried he would tell her everything was going to be okay and then make her laugh.

"Well,Monkeys can't eat cake",Grace said as she walked over to the plastic packet that was on the kitchen counter of their new house. The packet was the only thing in the kitchen. Probably the only thing in the entire house because their parents were outside unloading everything from the U-Haul.

"We can too!",Miles shouted.

Grace opened the packet and saw that there was only one slice of cake left in the box. They had eaten the rest during the drive to the house. Grace frowned.

"There's only one piece left",she shrugged.

"I should have it because I'm older",Miles said as he pulled the box toward him.

"That's unfair",Grace shook her head.

"Then what do we do?"

"We share, half and half",Grace answered.

"banana splitsies."

"What?",she said to Miles in confusion.

"It means we're going to split it. Get it? Banana splitsies ",Miles said in an obvious tone.

"Oh",Grace nodded. "Come on",she smiled and broke a piece of the cake. She stuffed it into her mouth and chewed.

"Slow down there munchie",Miles laughed as he picked at his share of the cake.

"I'm the munch monster."

Fallen GraceWhere stories live. Discover now