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The next afternoon Grace made her way to the park like Damian requested. She got there before sundown. She didn't know what was in store for he when she saw him. The wind was calm and made Grace feel at ease. She had missed Damian. She wanted to be around him all the time. Holding him, kissing him, talking to him. She parked Twinkles off and jumped out. She walked back to the spot that she and Damian stood when she confessed her feelings to him.

She looked up at the sunset and thought of Miles. She knew he would have loved to seen a sight like that. He would truly appreciate it in all it's glory.


The disembodied voice made her turn. Miles stood at the bench near the entrance. She wondered how it was possible for him to sound like he was right beside her. He was a demon-angel, that probably wasn't hard for him at all, Grace thought.

She made her way to Damian. His tall figure drawing her toward him. The light of the sun illuminating his face.

"Listen, before you swear me",he started. "This is what I wanted us to do the other time we were here",he said as he held up what seemed to be a lantern.


"Japanese lanterns, symbolising the remembrance of a lost one. I thought you could light one for your brother",Damian said as he handed her a lighter.

Grace looked down at the lighter in the palm of his hand. She reached her hand out and took it from him. She loved him even more in that moment. The things Damian did made it hard for her not to love him.

"Do you want to?",he asked.

Grace nodded not wanting to say anything else to him. She was still wondering how his mind worked. It baffled. A demon-angel who worked for the devil himself was asking her if she wanted to light a lantern for her dead brother.

"Come on,Amazing Grace",he said as he grabbed the lantern and walked further toward the sunset.

He held it up and moved his gaze to Grace. He wanted to tell her that her hair looked nice. That the brown suited her. He wanted to tell her that he didn't care what colour her hair was because she was still beautiful anyway. He wanted to tell her so many things but instead he waited for her to light the lantern.

"You can say something",Damian said as she lit the lantern with the lighter she held in her hand.

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. Oscar Wilde",Grace quoted. "Thank you for showing me the stars,Miles. I'll never stop looking at them because when I look at them I also remember that the moon is in the sky",Grace said as she nodded for Damian to release the grip he had on the lantern.

They watched as it floated into the air. Grace smiled as she imagined how Miles would react if he got the lantern. Grace turned to Damian who was still looking up at the sky.

"Thank you."

"I see you know a lot of quotes",he smiled.

"I'm still upset with you",she clarified.

"You have every right to be,I was an asshole",Damian replied.

"The fact that you agree with me doesn't change anything",Grace said in a matter of fact tone.

"It doesn't change anything?",Damian moved closer to her. She knew what he was doing. He understood the effect that he had on her so he was taking advantage of that. He brought his to her cheek.

"Damian, you know what you're doing. Stop it."

"Grace, the last time we stood here. I made the biggest mistake. I didn't kiss you. I should have fucking kissed you. I need to kiss you!",Damian exclaimed.

"What are you saying?"

Damian savoured the feeling of holding Grace so close to him. He breathed in the smell of her and way she felt in his hands.

"Whatever I'm saying has to wait because...",Damian inhaled."There's something you need to know",he said as he pulled away from her to think about the words he was about to say.

"What is it?"

"I have to show you."

Fallen GraceWhere stories live. Discover now