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Grace never had an actual boyfriend. When she reached the age that she actually liked guys they were too afraid to approach her because of Miles. They were extremely scared of him and most of them were his friends. He never let his friends near her because he claimed that he knew their intentions. This left Grace undateable. At first she didn't really care but it got frustrating as time went on. However Miles had his first girlfriend when he was sixteen. His first real girlfriend Kayla. Kayla was a slender redhead with hazelnut eyes. She looked a like supermodel and dressed like one too. Kayla never liked Grace for some reason. Grace on the other hand loved the fact that Kayla made her brother happy. Miles was in love, completely and utterly in love with Kayla. Kayla on the other hand may have been a little less in love with Miles because she entertained other guys while they were together. When Miles found out, his whole world had crumbled before his eyes.He was a sixteen year old boy going through his first heartbreak and Grace witnessed every moment of his pain. She could recall exactly what happened the day that he returned home from his date to the Ice capades with Kayla. It was around ten in the night and their parents had already headed to bed. Grace had took advantage of the fact that it was a Friday night so she was watching a movie marathon, a Leonardo DiCaprio movie marathon to be exact. She was in the middle of Titanic when she realised that she was out of ice cream, so she headed to the kitchen with the task of retrieving some more Rocky Road. When she returned back to the living room to continue the love story between Jack and Rose she saw Miles sprawled out on the couch. He looked sad.

"Mind if I join you?",Grace asked him as she plopped her body down on the couch beside him with her spoon and her tub of ice cream in her hand.

"Misery loves company ",Miles said softly not even looking at his sister. Instead his eyes were fixed on the television screen at the paused movie.

"You're miserable? Relax we didn't get to the sad part yet",Grace laughed as she opened her tub of ice cream and stuck her spoon into it.

"We broke up."

Miles turned to Grace and grabbed the tub of ice cream out of her grasp. He took a spoonful of ice cream and stuffed it into his mouth,licking the spoon excessively.

"What happened?",Graced asked as her mouth opened slightly. She was shocked to hear his words.

"She cheated on me, more than once. She wasn't even sorry about it, she ripped my heart right out of my chest", Miles spoke as he grabbed the remote control and pressed play on the movie.

Grace became upset. She knew Kayla wasn't typically the girl that she would want Miles with but she didn't think she was completely heartless. That was Grace's problem. High expectations from people. Her high expectations from Kayla ended in her brother's heart being shattered.Grace reached forward and pulled the remote from her brother. She then turned and pressed pause on the movie again.

"She didn't deserve you",Grace said angrily.

"Thanks munchie, but I know you're just saying that to make me feel better",Miles shrugged as he took another mouthful of ice cream.

"I'm not, I know you care about her but if she can't see that you're a great person then I'm sorry but I'm happy that you two are over",Grace explained in honesty as she took the spoon from Miles hand and scooped up some ice cream.

"The fact that I'm a great person doesn't make it hurt any less,munch",Miles rolled his eyes.

"I know what will help",Grace smiled as she shoved the spoon of ice cream into her mouth. "No more ice cream for you!",she exclaimed as she took the tub from him and headed to the kitchen.

After a minute or two Grace appeared from the kitchen with a plate in her hand and two forks. She sat down beside Miles and placed the plate between them.

"Banana splitsies?"

Miles looked down at the plate with the single slice of chocolate cake on it and couldn't help but smile. Grace always knew how to make him feel better and he was grateful to have a sister like her although he wouldn't say it out loud in a hurry.

"Damn straight, banana splitsies",he laughed and accepted the fork that she offered him.

"Now stay on your side,okay?"Grace warned him.

"Yes ma'am."

Grace smiled as she reached for the remote and pressed play on the movie for the last time.

Fallen GraceWhere stories live. Discover now