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Grace sat on her couch wrapped like a baby in a blanket. She was watching The Great Gatsby. One of her favourite movies. She had watched it over six time a year. It was a coping mechanism. It had become a part of her life. She remembered when Miles first watched it with her. "This Gatsby guy is super dramatic, him throwing these huge parties hoping that Daisy would attend is like posting a Snapchat story hoping that one specific person would see it",Miles rolled his eyes.
Grace was trying to get her mind off Damian. She missed him so much. She kept reliving the moment when she told him she was in love with him. She felt like a fool because of the way he reacted. She was an idiot for falling in love, especially falling in love with a demon-angel with soulless eyes. He was just so different. His hair and the way it fell across face and obscured his eyes from time to time. They he would lick his lips when he laughed. Or when he would give her his mischievous smirk. Whenever Damian would smile at her she wanted to kiss him, Grace always wanted to kiss him. She never not wanted to kiss Damian. It was this undeniable chemistry that they shared. Some sort of connection that puzzled her. Grace had never felt anything like that before. He made her question everything. He made her change without noticing it. He made he heal without even knowing it. She loved this boy so much. She loved him more than she loved herself. She wanted to live for Damian, she wanted to die for Damian. Grace pulled the blanket closer to her body and opened her tub of ice cream.

"Thanks for sharing,munch",Miles rolled his eyes from beside her.

"What are you doing here?",she asked him as she tried to concentrate on her movie. It had been weeks since she saw Miles, or imagined him.

"You want me here, subconsciously ",he shrugged.

"I miss you",Grace sighed. "I wish you were real."

"I miss you too, now tell me what's up with you. Gatsby is only for real problems",Miles looked toward the television and then back at his sister.

"I don't know,Miles",Grace brough her hand to her forehead as she leaned forward and placed her tub of ice cream on the table in front of her.

"Vent to me, you know what they say. Dead brothers give the best advice",Miles smiled.

"Miles, losing you is the worst pain I've ever felt. You know how much I love you",Grace shook her head.

"I wish I could have spared you that pain, you know I would have taken it from you if I could,Grace."

"I know, but that's not the point. I was lost,Miles. I was past the point of being saved",Grace explained.

Miles brought his hand to her arm and stroked it gently. Letting her know that he was there. Grace closed her eyes to feel her brother's presence.

"When I met him, somehow he changed me. He made me happy,Miles. He showed me what it felt like to truly live. Every moment with Damian is like drinking life,tasting it on the tip of your tongue and letting the juices drip down your chin."


"He helped me understand that I need to celebrate you, to celebrate my life. I want to live my life for the both of us,Miles. I want to make you happy",Grace said turning to her brother and grabbing his hand.

"You have made me happy, munch. You always make me happy. If you love,Damian then you should tell him or at least thank him for showing you life from a different perspective",Miles brought his hand up and tucked a piece of his sister's hair behind her ear.

"I love you,Miles. I will always love you, but I have to move on. I can't hurt like this anymore",Grace let out a breath and tear too.

"Let it go,Grace. Let go of all of the weight that you've been carrying. You are worth so much more, the world doesn't know Grace Anderson the way I know Grace Anderson",Miles smiled as a tear fell from his eye.

"I'm scared, I don't want to let you go."

"You're not letting me go, you're letting the pain go,munchie",Miles said correcting her.

"I'll never let you go,Miles",Grace promised him.

"I'll always be with you,Grace",Miles said as he touched the pendant on her necklace. "Even if you can't see me,I'm always here."

"I know. I love you,Miles", Grace said as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He held her tightly in his embrace.

"I love you,munch",Miles said as they broke away from the hug. "Banana splitsies?",he smirked.

"Damn straight",Grace smiled as she jumped off the couch and made her way to the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator to see chocolate cake and vanilla cake. She was unsure which flavour Miles craved. She personally liked vanilla more than chocolate but Miles was confusing. One day he would love chocolate and the next he would love Vanilla. She never tried to understand the complication that was Miles. She just loved him anyway. He loved her too, in spite of all her weirdness and flaws. She had many flaws.

"Chocolate or vanilla?",she shouted in question with her head inside the refrigerator.
She waited for Miles to answer but he didn't.

"Miles?",she called wondering if he had heard her the first time she asked him.

She rolled her eyes and walked back into the living room to scold him for ignoring her.

"I asked if you wanted choc-",Grace started but then stopped in her tracks. He was no where in sight. Her blanket was left on the couch, the movie was playing and her ice cream was on the table but Miles was gone.

Fallen GraceWhere stories live. Discover now