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The next few days weren't that bad. Grace went to school and tried to catch up on the work she had missed. She and her parents  had dinner every night. She had no idea how much she had missed hearing about their lives. Grace felt better. She didn't feel like dying as much as she did before. The only thing that weighed on her mind was the kiss that she and Damian shared. She hadn't heard from Damian in a week and it was affecting her. She didn't want to call on him because she didn't know how things would be between them.

The bell rang signalled the end of the school day and Grace made her way to the exit with Alyssa tagging next to her. They both had History in last period with Mr Harrison who loved to over explain ever minute detail.

"Have you spoken to Taylor?",Alyssa asked as they exited the double doors.

"He said he wanted to speak after school so I'll wait for him, I was kinda rude to him the other day",Grace replied.

"You two should talk, he can be an idiot sometimes but he doesn't mean it",Alyssa said with a chuckle. "You look better,Grace",Alyssa added.

"I feel different,Aly. Thank you for being here for me",Grace leaned forward and gave her a small hug.

This took Alyssa by surprise but she squeezed Grace back anyway. She was delighted that Grace was doing better. She could feel the change in Grace and she liked it.

"You're the strongest person I know,Grace",Alyssa said as she walked away from Grace. Leaving her to wait for Taylor's arrival.

Taylor took a few minutes to arrive. He had his kit bag over his shoulder and he greeted Grace with a smile.

"I need to change for practice,walk with me?"

"Sure",Grace said reminding herself that she should speak to him. It's the least she could do after he got a blue eye because of her.

"I'm sorry about everything,Grace."

"Thank you,Taylor",Grace said as they made their way to the boys locker room.

"For what?"

"For everything, with Miles",Grace sighed as she stopped.

"Don't thank me",Taylor said moving closer to Grace. She moved a step back and found herself against the door to the locker room.

"But I have to",Grace said softly.

"Well then I know many ways you can thank me",Taylor pushed up against her.

Grace's breathing hitched. She didn't know what was happening. Taylor's fingers traced the outline of her face then he cupped her chin.

"Taylor, stop",Grace said trying to push past him but his strength over powered her and he held her in place.

"I know you want this,Grace. Ever since I saw you, it's just that your brother kept getting in the way",Taylor whispered. His breath was hot on her skin.

Grace began to squirm as Taylor brought his lips to hers. He held her against the door and pressed his body against hers.

Grace couldn't breathe properly as she tried to push him off her. His hand travelled to her thighs and he gripped her tightly.

Grace couldn't do anything. All she knew was that she wanted Damian. She couldn't say his name as much as she wanted to. As much as she wanted to call to him she couldn't. She was unable to even move. She closed her eyes and decided to accept her fate. Suddenly she felt Taylor's weight being lifted off her.

When Grace opened her eyes she saw Taylor lying on the floor. Someone was on him. Straddling him.Punching him. He pulled at Taylor's shirt and sent blows right to his jaw and face.Grace was scared. She walked forward to get a closer look of the scene that was unfolding right before her eyes.

Damian wasn't giving Taylor a chance. He kept punching and punching him. There was blood,so much blood. It made tears flow out of Grace's eyes.

"Stop!",she yelled.

Damian didn't budge. Still throwing punches he looked furious. She had never see this side of him. It was like she didn't know who he was.

Grace pulled at his arm. Damian finally met her eyes. She saw the darkness that his eyes held. Damian took a breath almost realizing what he was doing. Then he looked down at Taylor, he was unconscious.

"Let's go,Damian",Grace shook her head and pulled his arm.

Damian allowed her to pull him. He followed her to the jeep. She opened the passenger seat door and told him to get in while she walked to the driver's side and got in.Grace started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot as fast as she could. She sped down the road and as soon as they were at least a block away from the school she stopped. She pulled over on the side of the road. She turned off the engine and looked at Damian. He was already staring at her. Blood on his hands and face. His shirt was creased and also had blood on it although you couldn't tell because it was black.

Grace looked forward and then banged on the steering wheel. Then she began to cry. She heaved as the tears splashed everywhere.

"Grace",Damian said her name so calmly.
She glanced at him. Taking in his aura. He made her angry. Just looking at him made her angry.

"What was that back there?",Grace asked as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"What do you mean?",Damian asked confused. "That guy was having his way with you",Damian shook his head as he slammed his fist on the dashboard.

"I didn't call you",Grace said swallowed her saliva. "I was handling it, I just didn't think Taylor was the kind of guy that would force himself on me",Grace said in disappointment.

Damian observed her. It was something he always did. Not allowing her to know what he was thinking.

"Thank you",Grace muttered.

Damian brought his hand to hers that rested on her lap. He touched her gently. His touch was so gentle that Grace barely felt it.

"I was going to kill him, why didn't you let me?",Damian asked with a teasing frown.

"The fact that he kissed me doesn't mean he should die",Grace smiled.

"The fact that he's a terrible Harry Styles impressionist should be reason enough,Amazing Grace",Damian gave her a look. "Now did you miss me?"

Fallen GraceWhere stories live. Discover now