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Grace stood in her room and ran the brush through her hair. She liked her new hairstyle. Even if she didn't Alyssa liked it enough for the both of them. She left her hair loose and slid in a clip to secure a section of her bangs.
She studied herself in the mirror and noticed the letter on her dresser. It was the letter that Miles wrote to her. Her parents gave it to her when he died. Grace never had the heart to open it. It hurt too much. She walked toward her dresser and picked up the envelope. She felt the texture of the paper between her fingers. She took a deep breath and then opened it. Slowly. She unfolded the letter and took a breath. It was time, she couldn't stall anymore. If Damian was beside her he would probably call her a coward. She smiled at the thought of Damian and began to read her letter.

Dear Grace,

You probably weren't expecting this. I'm sorry, I just have so much to say. Let me start with thank you. Thank you,munch. You have been my strength. You gave me something to live for. Being there to protect you and look out for you made me feel like I had a purpose.  You made me feel like I was worth something. I knew that even if the world forgot about me, you would remember. Watching you grow into yourself has been the best time of my life. All the laughs, all the inside jokes, all the banana splitsies. I wish I could remember them forever,even after death. I know you're hurting and you're probably going to hurt for a while because you're stupid. You're stupid for loving me as much as you did. So now you must suffer, but I want you to know that the suffering will end. You will find the strength to get by and move on. Don't let your opportunities slip away. Love hard,munch. Love is the most important thing, it heals. Laugh more than anything, laugh at everything. Sometimes you can be funny too, it's not a crime. Question everything because if you don't you will never find any answers. Don't die because I'm dead, you don't have to so dramatic. Die because you find something that you're so passionate about that it kills you inside. That is the only death I want for you. My life is over but yours has just began. Sometimes it's hard to smile and hide the pain, so don't. Embrace the pain and let it consume you. Cry as much as you want and then stop. That's the most important thing to remember. STOP. You have an entire life ahead of you. Keep going,munchie. Don't forget to tell your kids what a great hockey player their uncle was. I love you and if you ever forget that just look up at the stars, never stop looking at the stars. You know why? Because the moon is up there too.

Take care of Twinkles.



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