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"Grace! You're back."

Grace turned to meet Alyssa's brown eyes. She was smiling. She always smiled. Her smiled irritated Grace. Grace was only at school because her mother offered to drive her. She didn't want any lectures so she just went with it. She convinced herself that she just had to endure a little longer, once she had completed all the tasks Damian needed her to do she would be done with everything.

"Hi Alyssa."

"You ran out on us on Thursday, and I couldn't find you on Friday. What's up?", Alyssa asked naturally.

"I was tired. Will you fill me in on what I missed?",Grace asked as they walked down the hallway.

"Mr Harrison was sick so we had a substitute, total hotty",Alyssa wiggled her eyebrows. "Oh and Taylor got into a fight",she added and then pointed to Taylor who was coming their way. His eye was blue and his face was swollen.

"Grace, you're here. Can I speak to you?",Taylor asked with a desperate voice.

"I'll give you two some space",Alyssa said as she turned and walked away, leaving Grace standing with Taylor.

"What happened to your eye?"Grace asked him concerned.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry about what I said. I was a douche",Taylor shook his head.

"An asshole actually",Grace gave him a look. "What happened to your eye?"

"Grace...",Taylor started and then began to look around as if he didn't want to tell her something.

"What happened to your eye,Taylor? I won't ask you again",Grace said with a hint of anger in her voice.

"When you left on Monday, some kid in class started saying stuff about you and Miles",Taylor shrugged and placed his hand on the back off his neck.

"What stuff?"

"Bad stuff, and it pissed me off so I punched him",Taylor said. "I guess he decided to punch me back",Taylor smiled.

"It's not your job to defend me or Miles."

"I know,Grace. I wanted to. I miss you Grace, I know things will never be the same again but I really do miss you. Can I have my old Grace back?",Taylor said sincerely.

"There is no your old Grace!",Grace shook her head in anger more than anything. She headed toward the double doors at the school entrance. She pushed passed them and ended up standing in the parking lot. With her her hand on her head.

"Grace, stop. Please just come back inside so we can talk",Taylor's voice came from behind her.

She didn't turn, instead she noticed the figure at the end of the parking lot that neared her. For a second she thought it was Miles but as the figure came closer she noticed the jet black hair. The olive skin and the tattoos.

"Damian",Grace mumbled and a smile crept up on her.

"Ready to go, Amazing Grace?", Damian's mischievous smirk was enough for her to leap into his arms. Instead she chose to walk to him.

"Grace,  you know this guy?",Taylor asked from the front entrance of the school.

"This is Damian",Grace said as she turned to Taylor. "Don't wait up for me, I probably won't sit with you at lunch",Grace smiled.

"He's a lousy impressionist of Harry Styles, I must say", Damian pointed his thumb over his shoulder at Taylor.

"How did you know I needed you?",Grace questioned as they headed toward to Twinkles who was parked at the end of the parking lot.

"I had a feeling."

"Where are we going? What's next on the list?",Grace said as she forgot what transpired between her and Taylor moments ago.

She didn't understand how Damian could completely change her mood. All she knew was that she liked it. She liked being around him. He made her feel alive.

"Someone's an eager...",Damian stopped. "Someone's excited, now where we're going we certainly cannot drive there."

"We're going to fly again?",Grace asked eagerly.

"Flying is tiring, you're quite the load,Amazing Grace. I want to try something else",Damian said extending his hand to her.

"You take my trust for granted don't you?",Grace shook her head in disapproval.

"You trust me? How flattering, come now give me your hand",he said as she placed her hand in his.

"Now do what you always do for me,Amazing Grace. Close your eyes."

Grace obeyed his words and closed her eyes. She felt the wind against her. She fought against it as the sound filled her ears. Suddenly she heard the sound of cars. People moving, people screaming. Flashing lights as she opened her eyes. She was standing in the middle of a street.

"Hurry",Miles said from beside her as he navigated his way to the sidewalk with his hand interlocked with hers.

"Oh my God",Grace said as she breathed a sigh of relief once they got to the sidewalk. "Was that supposed to happen?",she asked as she leaned against the wall and looked around trying to figure out where they were.

"It went better than I expected actually. I'm still learning this teleporting thing but I figured if you died I could just visit you at The Inbetween again",Damian smiled.

"Why have wings and the power to teleport, that's dumb",Grace rolled her eyes.

"Angels and Demons have evolved over the years. The stronger the creature the stronger their powers and abilities. My mother is a demon and my father is an angel, so I have a mixture of abilities. I don't have them all figured out but I'm learning", Damian explained.

Grace nodded as if she understood. Whenever Damian spoke about the philosophical stuff she tried to understand as much as she could. Unfortunately her surroundings didn't allow her to focus on Damian this time.

"Fuck! Are we in fucking Las Vegas?",Grace said in awe as she looked around and took in the atmosphere.

"I know a guy at this tattoo parlour",Damian said as he tugged Grace's hand in the direction he began to walk in. "They're supposed to be the greatest in the world  there's a waiting list for this place",Damian said as he stopped in front of a shop with a sign that was exceedingly bright. He pulled Grace in before she could read the sign.

"Saint",Damian greeted the guy with the red mohawk and had more tattoos than him. There were tattoo designs all over shop and it was unlike Grace had ever seen.

"Hey hey",Saint smiled as he came toward Grace and Damian.

"This is Grace, she wants the mark of the beast",Damian laughed.

Damian turned to Grace who looked a little nervous. He took her hand once more and he slipped something onto her wrist. It was a hair tie. It was her hair tie. It was the hair tie that Miles gave her. It was the hair tie she lost the day she killed herself.

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