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When their dad bought Miles his jeep Grace laughed. It was a run down raggedy piece of machinery. Grace was with her father and Miles when they passed by someone's house and the jeep was parked outside. Miles made them stop. He said it was beautiful, he was bewildered and Grace could not fathom why. The man who owned it was shocked that anyone was interested in it in the first place. He basically begged Miles to take it off his hands. Their dad paid the guy a little extra than he asked for and then they hooked the jeep up to the car and took it home. Miles spent all day and night working on it. It took him almost two weeks just to get the engine running properly. Grace remembered the night she woke up to get some water and heard noises coming from the garage. When she entered the garage Miles was under the hood of the jeep.

"I guess it's true then, a man really falls in love with his car",Grace shook her head and smiled at her brother who had grease all over him.

"She's a beaut isn't she ,munch?",Miles smiled as he looked at the jeep.

"You gave her a new paint job too, I like it",Grace nodded. "Sorry for underestimating you",she rolled her eyes.

"You aren't getting off that easily for laughing at me, you have to walk to school for the next week while I get to take my girl",he smiled as he closed the hood and tapped it with his palm.

"Why did you want this jeep anyway?",Grace questioned in curiosity. "Dad would have literally bought you any car you wanted",Grace shrugged.

"Don't you see munchie? I wanted to make her my own. I saw the potential in her. Sometimes there's something worth saving, it's not always the end",Miles smiled.

"Stop referring to this machine as her."

"She's not a machine, she's my baby. I just need a name for her",Miles rolled his eyes. "Hey I'm going to turn on the engine."

Grace watched as Miles jumped into the driver's seat and started the engine up. It took a while but the roar of the engine filled the air and the headlights came on. Except the head lights flickered on and off.

"She's...twinkling",Grace said.

"What do you mean?",Miles slipped out of his seat and walked toward Grace. He faced the car and realised what she was referring to.

"That's supposed to happen. Her name is Twinkles ",he said in the most confident tone.

Grace entered the drug store and Damian followed behind her. She headed to the isle where she would find the pain killers and searched for the strongest medication.

"They sell birth control here",Damian said as he picked up a box and then threw it back down.

"Why do you care?", Grace asked as she picked up Ibuprofen and aspirin.

"Don't want to make a half demon-angel half human baby",he said in a serious tone.

"And I'm back to not being able to tolerate you",Grace rolled her eyes as she turned into the next isle.

"This is cool, I want this",Damian said as he held up a key chain. It was a key chain that had angel wings on it. They were black and a little creepy.

"Great you can buy it when you're buying this stuff for me, I forgot my bag in the car."

"Buy? Oh Amazing Grace. This is your very first task on the list. Breaking one of the sacred commandments",Damian laughed in amusement.

"You want me to steal?",Grace whispered softly as she looked around.

"No I want you to commit adultery",Damian rolled his eyes.

"I can't do this",Grace shook her head.

"Well then it's The Inbetween for you, I knew you wouldn't last long. See you around, Grace",Damian said as he twirled the keyring between his fingers and then turned around beginning to walk away.


Damian smiled and then turned around. He knew it wouldn't take much to convince her. He knew she was terrified to go to The Inbetween.

"Let's get on with it Grace, we haven't got all day",Damian said as he ushered her to the end of the isle.

Grace knew what she had to do. She reluctantly opened the tie on her gown and tucked the painkillers inside. Damian stepped forward and handed her the keychain.

"Get your own damn keychain",she gave him a look and tied her gown back up securely.

"Now add God to that damn. It pisses him off so much",Damian laughed.

"Get your own God damn keychain!",Grace said and then burst into laughter straight after.

"Perfect,  Amazing Grace. Now let's get out of here",Damian cocked his head in the direction of the exit.

Grace followed him and they both headed to the double doors of the store. The cashier who was a man probably in his thirties shot them a studied look as they passed him.

"You two need any help?",the man asked in a gruff tone.

"No, I just realised I've got a whole pack of unopened condoms at my place",Damian said with a casual smile.

Grace's mouth dropped open but she closed it quickly and gave Damian a look that suggested she wanted to get out of there fast.

"Well then you kids be careful",the man coughed. "In both senses",he chuckled.

"Funny man",Damian smiled as he exited the store behind Grace.

They made their way to the jeep and Grace got in with haste. She turned to Damian who was staring at her with a smirk across his face.

"That was God damn crazy!",she laughed as she slipped off her gown and the medication dropped out. She stuck the key in the ignition and started up the engine.

"Two commandments in one day Amazing Grace, I hate to say it but I'm impressed",Damian nodded as Grace pulled out of the parking lot.

"Where to now?",Grace questioned still feeling excited.

"I'm famished."

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