²⁹| A True Lord {Part2}

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The Slytherin Prince






~~~ August 3, 1990. Right where we left off ~~~

~~~ Harry's POV ~~~

I smiled at Aunt Andro, "We'll do the ceremony after we get this-" I pointed to my lightning bolt-shaped scar "-out of my head". Everyone nodded and didn't even try to recommend to do something else as if he was their King or something. That's when I realised I was their King, someone of my Bloodpurity and titles and power could easily rule this world. But I don't want to do that and start over from scratch. Rather, slowly gain political power and push through for better legislation and rebuke stupid ones.

I focused on the present again, "Well as you all know-" I started, "-I have many positions of power in my name. But even though I am emancipated I cannot take these seats myself. Therefore, I need proxies. But I have so many seats I need like five proxies in total to take all my seats" I said. Everyone nodded and looked for me to continue.

"So in the Wizengamot, I have the Peverell, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Black, Gaunt, Potter seats. In the Hogwarts Board of Governors, I have the Peverell, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff seats. So even though I have eight seats in the Wizengamot, but the influence they have on the other seats is what makes them so powerful" I said, speaking from the knowledge that I gained from spending an entire day with Goblins.

"The Peverell seat is the oldest in the Wizengamot and the oldest Pureblood family so that seats holds a lot of sway over all the Pureblood fanatics. The Founders' seats will have the allegiance of all those previously in those Houses. The Potter seat is a very Pureblood oriented seat but in the last decade it is known as the epitome as Light, it will have the support of all those people who are with Dumbledore and added with the benefit of my fame will just increase its sway over that faction. The Black seat is the most powerful Pureblood seat that was not dormant before. They were at top of the hierarchy and they ruled. And that's what I want the person with the black seat to do - Rule" everyone was paying very close attention to what I was saying.

I contemplated for a while, to think who should be my proxies. "The Wizengamot is a very public affair, and whatever happens there always will end up in the papers. But the Board of Governors is very quiet, so we don't need to think about public image. So, I think two people will be enough to take the seats on the Board of Governors. But the Wizengamot is very different" everyone nodded and Lucius picked it up for me, he did have a lot of experience in the Wizengamot.

"The Wizengamot is where all the Heads of Houses and all the important Department Heads gather for trials, creation or rejection of Laws and Bills. It is the very foundation of our society. Everyone in there is wearing a mask, be it to protect themselves or to get ahead of others" he spoke, with extreme familiarity.

I nodded, "That's why I cannot give all the seats to Lucius and ask him to use them. It will undermine the authority the influence the seats have over the rest of the members. So, after some..okay, a lot of deliberation, I decided who can take the seats. It's obvious that Nana Walburga will take the Black seat, but I also want you to take the Slytherin seat" I spoke the last part looking at her. She looked genuinely surprised and grateful. 

"You didn't think I'd give the Black seat to anyone else did you? Besides you were obviously Slytherin in your days, you'll have a lot of support there" I joked. She just let out a small sigh and hugged me. I returned her hug and looked at the rest again.

"I want the Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Potter seats taken by a 'Light' family. So the best choice is for Nana Augusta to take Gryffindor and Potter seats. House Longbottom is an old and well respected 'Light' family, you will be able to easily influence them, besides you were a Gryffindor in you're Hogwarts days," I said to her. She smiled and nodded gratefully, "Of course, Hadrian. Thank you,".

I just smiled at her and continued. "The Hufflepuff seat is also very 'Light' oriented, so Aunt Amelia would do well as my proxy there. And she was a Hufflepuff too, am I right?" I asked, she just nodded and smiled at me, "Of course, Hadrian". I looked at Aunt Cissa, "Since we don't have a family known to have Ravenclaws in them, but the Ravenclaws and Slytherin have always been allies throughout history according to Griphook. So, you can take the Ravenclaw seat, not only will it help the Malfoy influence all the 'Dark' families, but your social standing will also increase" I said smiling. She just sent me a flying kiss. I grabbed and held to my heart and batted my eyelashes playfully and giggled.

Everyone chuckled at my antics and conversation went back to normal while I contemplated while munching on my syrupy waffles. I looked back up and cleared my throat. All eyes turned to me once again, I steepled my fingers and looked at the others contemplatively. "For the Board of Governors, I want Nana to take the Peverell and Black seats. That seat is mine by birthright but should have been yours before I came along," she just smiled at me and nodded and started thinking.

"Uncle Lucy, you can take the Ravenclaw and Slytherin seats, it will help you with all your schemes," I said, winking at him. He just chuckled and nodded, "Thank you, Hadrian. I'll be sure to cook up interesting schemes for you".  I smiled at him and looked at Aunt Minnie and Nana Augusta. "I can't choose what to do with the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff seats. I can't choose between the benefits and drawbacks of having either Aunt Minnie or Nana Augusta there". I looked at the others for ideas.

Uncle Remus spoke, "My Lor-" he started. I just sighed and cut him off. "Uncle Remy, all this Lord business is only in public, call me how you normally do," I said exasperated. He just shrugged, but I could see the happiness in his eyes, "Cub, I think its better if you let Augusta take the Governor seats. Minnie's allegiance to you can stay partially under wraps that way, Dumbles won't suspect" he said, a tad shyly.

I just beamed at him, "Of course, Moony!" I said happily. "Well, I also need to talk to my father. Aunt Amelia, when can you get me inside Azkaban or him out of there?" I asked. She looked contemplative, "I already started making arrangements for you to visit him this week, I can probably take you there in three days. I set it up as a routine inspection that I am conducting, but you'll be there with me" she said smirking.

"Aunty, are you sure you weren't in Slytherin?" I asked winking at her. She chuckled. "Nope. Must be because I've been spending time with these people" she said and pointed out the Slytherin who just smirked in a 'Holier than thou' way. I just chuckled at their antics.

I finished up my breakfast and looked up, "Well we should finalise my lessons".

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