Let's Get Started

39 3 7

Sirens can be heard in the near distance, as once again, police lights are cast above the wall in front of my bed. As usual, I can not sleep. It is nearing midnight and I am wide awake; staring at nothing. Well, not exactly nothing. I always feel like there's eyes on me, from a distance, it always feels like something is watching me.

Of course, I've told everyone I thought I could trust about this, and they all said the same thing. That I'm crazy. Maybe to them I am, only this time I get the feeling that they are very very wrong.

See, it all started when we moved here. This small town in the middle of nowhere. I didn't ask for this but I didn't have a choice. That and we had to find a place to live fast. Why they chose this one, I may never know. Let's just say it creeps me out and I have my reasons you'll soon know.

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