Confront The Past

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Finally, school's out. I sigh and wait on the steps for my mother to pull up. I know that sounds really stupid but we all thought it would be better since I didn't know my way around yet. 

I see her off in the distance but something's wrong. She's not slowing down. "Mom! Mom!" I yell at her and then watch as her car almost slams trunk over engine into a space beside the school. 

She gets out of the driver's side in a daze and just looks at me. For a moment I forgot that I have my phone and I quickly dial 9-1-1. 

I give them the information needed and then rush to my mother. She looks at me but it's like she can't see me. 

Then I look over at the car; there's someone sitting in the passenger seat and it's not my brother. He smiles at me but it's very sinister. His eyes look almost pitch black and his clothing is from another era all together. He waves at me but in his hand is a long slender blade. 

His slacks are made of sturdy brown material and his shirt is fresh white cotton. You can tell he wasn't from this date and time because of the way he behaves. He studies me with evil dark eyes and I get the feeling that I'm the only one that can see him.

Then just as quickly he's gone and my mother comes to herself. She starts screaming and it takes everything in my power just to try and calm her down.

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