On Repeat

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I don't think today can get any worse, my teachers obviously hate me already. That's not my fault I was a few minutes late. Nobody told me where to go. 

Now I'm stuck in a seat at the back next to a very quiet odd boy. He keeps staring at me from time to time and it's unnerving. "Do you mind?" I whisper under my breathe at him for the thousandth time. He adverts his eyes to the teacher giving a very boring start of the school year lecture. Then I hear, "Miss Melody Austin will you come up here please?" Come up to the front of the class? For what? Hesitantly I get up out of my seat and make my way to the front of the class, then turn to see everyone staring at me. "Introduce yourself please. Everyone be quiet. This is our new student."

He wants me to introduce myself? Is he serious? I can't think of anything to say so I just stick to basics. The less the know about me the better right? So as I was saying;

"Hi, I'm Melody but most people call me Mels. We just moved here from out of town. This is my first and last year with you guys so I'm kind of excited. We live in that old mansion at the edge of town." 

With that being said I quickly make my way towards my seat. The boy sitting next to me leans over as the teacher takes his place again at the head of the class. 

"You really moved into that old place?" I give him a sideways glare and he just shrugs. "Yes, we did. There was no where else to go." He studies me for a moment and then moves back into his seat to face the front of the room. "Can't believe you live there. Not after what happened back in the day."

That catches my attention but the bell rings and he's out of sight before I can even ask my question; what exactly happened in that house?

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