Not Over Yet

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Everything has taken an eerie kind of feeling. I tried to turn on the lights in the hallway but it remained dark. Something tells me that it already knows what I'm up to. The board is buried under my jacket and I'm holding it tightly to my side. It's going to have to kill me to get this thing back. 

Even though I can't see I can still find my way to the top of the staircase. I look down and notice a pool of something at the very bottom. It's blood. Someone whispers into my ear and I turn to see who it was. There's nobody there. It must have been my imagination. 

Shaking my head, I start slowly down the steps, trying to avoid the spots where it creeks. Maybe it won't see me coming. Like I've said several times before, I'm not playing whatever game it has planned. 

There's movement almost in front of me now and I have to strain my eyes to see what if anything is there. I can't make it out but something tells me it's not happy. 

One wrong move and I could easily be the next victim of this thing. It's already taken so many lives. This place must be a literal portal to hell. 

"You don't even know how right you are."  Something starts moving out of the long dark shadow in the hallway and steps into the sliver of moonlight. It's my older brother. Well, it's not really my older brother anymore. It doesn't sound like him, it doesn't move like him, but it looks like him. His eyes are pitch black and it looks like he has no whites at all. His movements are stiff and rugged. Maybe this creature doesn't really know how to walk inside of a possessed body. 

I could use this to my advantage. If only I knew how. 

It smiles at me and I notice that my own brother's teeth has been filed to a sharp deadly point. They gleam dangerously in the soft light of the moon. 

It studies me and then it's smile turns into a scowl. It knows exactly what I'm doing. I watch as it takes a step forward and involuntarily I take two back. My foot hits a weak spot on the steps and I hear a creeeeaaakkk. Inwardly I cringe; as it just stops and stares at me.

"Now, why don't you be a good little brat and hand the board over. Wouldn't want something to happen to dear old dad would we?" 

I can't help it, my eyes turn toward the lump I saw earlier at the bottom off the stairs and I scream. It's my mom. It killed my mom. 

I turn back toward the creature that's possessed my older brother; it tilts its head and smiles menacingly at me. Then in the next instant it's in my face. The smile gone and it's eyes boring holes straight into my very soul. "Give me the board. Now!" It lunges toward me but I kick with my feet and watch as it falls on it's face. Then I dash back upstairs.

I can't go toward my room, there's no door anymore. I can't go to my brother's room, that's where it wants me to end up. Parent's room is off because that's probably where it has dad. The only option is the attic. 

I really don't want to do this.

I hear heavy footsteps as it starts climbing up the stairs. There's no time left to think. Making my way to the attic door I quickly reach into my pocket for the key. The key! Oh no. I dropped it awhile ago when it almost burned my hand and I didn't even think about grabbing it. I didn't know this would happen. 


There's no time left. It's almost right behind me now. The smell of death is almost overpowering my other senses. Sing. I scream and dodge as a long slender blade whips almost right next to the back of my head. How did it get so close? 

Looking behind me I can't help but watch in frozen terror as it takes several steps toward me. "I said give me the board. Give me the board and I won't kill you!" Why do I get the feeling what it's saying is a lie? 

OuijaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora