If These Scars Could Speak

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She found it. With help I assume. Nobody could've found it on their own. Of course it helped that I was watching from the bedroom door the entire time. Her father was almost to easy to possess. I heard her toss the key and almost had to resist the longing to lock her in the attic. Just like the bad curious cat she is. Except I don't. There's something else I need to do...

I need to fight the memories that keep flooding through my mind. How they're able to do this I have no idea. Maybe it's because I've done something I haven't been able to do in a very long time. Possession. 

I can see her, Willow, walking through the trees in her beautiful sundress. Her smile is so captivating and I can still feel my heart as it raced. She was so beautiful. It's a shame she couldn't accept my love. It's a shame her father had to try and send me away. 

Just because the old man didn't believe I was good enough for his precious babygirl. I was though and I showed him the error of his ways. 

Still it's a shame for what I had to do to the light of my life. She was so beautiful. Especially when she was afraid. 

This thought brings a demented smile on the face of the man I'm possessing. Honestly, not one of my finest moments but if I could get another host. 

Hearing footsteps I hide myself behind the door. Only to receive a funny look from a young male as he passes by. That's when I remember that I'm not myself at the moment and am currently in the body of an overweight older gentleman, who's trying to hide behind a door. 

I'm an idiot sometimes. Inwardly I shake my head but can't help watching as the young man enters what used to be the study. 

I think I just found my new host.

OuijaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon