Lost And Found

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I'm getting tired of this; my mother knows something. It's obvious because she can't look me in the eye anymore. That's her tell. You know, the thing that shows when you're keeping something a secret.

Anyway, I'm in the kitchen but it's not for food. I swear to you there's a hidden drawer or something. My hands slide over the bottom of the drawer that holds the silverware then it hits something. There! Got it. Quickly and quietly I lift the silverware holders out and set them on the counter. There's a small nick at the base of the drawer; it could go unnoticed easily if you weren't looking for it. I quickly lift the tab and slide the false bottom out. Then set it on the counter with the silverware. 

There's an old worn out key just sitting at the bottom. I think I know exactly where it goes; the attic. It was locked when we first moved here and it's been locked ever since. I asked once if there was a key or something but we couldn't find anything. It's been here the whole time, hidden. This place just keeps getting creepier and creepier.

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