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I'm not sure what Willow meant by hollowed ground, so I'm taking a gamble and burying the board in the cemetery. That's what hollowed ground is right? That's what it means? I'm not sure. 

It doesn't take me long to reach the gates but the feeling has gone from eerie to deadly in just a matter of minutes. It's now or never. 

I can't take the chance of putting the board down on the ground. I'm not exactly sure but something tells me that would be a very bad idea. 

The gates are locked but that's not a problem for me; I've picked locks before. Granted it's painstaking and that's the kind of time we don't have but I need to get this done. 

That's when I notice there's a hole in the fence near the entrance. That would be a lot easer. Silently thanking whatever made the hole I quickly enter through the gate and into the cemetery. These places always freak me out. Especially now more than usual. I can't help but wonder what would happen if one of these dead people would wake up somehow. It sends shivers down my spine. Now is not the time to jinx myself.

I grab a shovel and make sure the board is tucked securely away. I'm not sure how deep I have to dig all I know is that it has to be buried. 

Let's hope I'm doing this right. A noise at the gate has me turning to see that someone is standing there. I can't help but stare in a mix of terror as I watch whoever it is jump over the locked gate. It's obvious that they're watching me but I can't let anything stop me from doing this. It needs to be done. 

In the next instant after I turned away from them I find myself on the ground. "You really shouldn't have done that. Now I'm angry." I can't help but turn toward the voice and that's when I notice it isn't possessing my brother anymore.

Poor Chase. 

"If you even think about burying that board you're little friend here will never see the light of day."  I glare at the creature. Chase might not be my friend but he risked everything to save my life. 

Then another realization hits me, "Wh-where's my brother? Where is Will?!?" 

It gives me a look that I suspect is supposed to be amusement and then stands on its own two feet. "So, that's what his name was. Interesting. He's dead of course. Just like your mother. Just like your father will be. Just like you will be."

I have to tell myself not to cry. There will be time to morn later. I turn all of my attention back to the creature in front of me. This time it won't get the last laugh. 

"You can kill my mother. You can kill my father. You can even possess and kill my only brother. But you will never get a hold of me. You will never get the chance to kill me. I am not like Willow was. I will not go down easily. If I do go down, I'm taking you with me." 

I reach inside my coat and pull out the board. Then I hold it over the six foot deep hole. It's eyes go straight to the board but it doesn't move. "You wouldn't dare." I let my grip on the board go just a little bit and watch as sweat drips off the creatures face. It wants to but it knows not to make a move toward me. I'll just bury the board anyway and there's nothing it can do to stop me.


I let my grip on the board go and watch as it falls into the hole int he ground. Then I start throwing shovel-fulls of dirt into the hole on top of it. The creature screams and lunges toward me. It doesn't take much to get it off; I just simply kick it in the stomach and it falls to the ground. 

"This is for Willow. This is for her father. This is for my brother, my mother, my dad. This is for everyone you held captive in that house. You will never have the power to hurt anyone ever again." 

I shove the last pile of dirt back onto the hole and turn toward the creature. Except, it's no longer there. The only thing that I see is Chase. He's laying in a pool of blood unconscious. 

At least it's over, right?

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