Worse Than Stupid

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Ever seen one of those horror moves where you just want to yell at the idiot main character? Right now, I'm that idiot main character. At least that's what I feel like. 

The attic idea was botched almost immediately because of recent events. Now I'm just trying to stay alive. That and keeping the board hidden underneath my arm. It's proving to be rather difficult. 

It keeps lunging at me but with each step it takes it sways just slightly. I know now that it can't walk well, somehow it's injured. Honestly I'm not to sure because as soon as the thought enters my mind, I quickly shake my head to forget it. 

Now is not the time to get distracted. 

It stops only three paces away and tilts its head to the side. Did I mention how creepy it is that it's possessed my brother? Because it's very very creepy.

Forget finishing high school, I just want to stay alive. 

That's when I notice something outside the window; actually someone. It's Chase?!? The guy that sits next to me in third period. What is he even doing? He motions for me to toss him the board but I shake my head no. 

What is he doing? Is he stupid? The creature gives me an odd look for a second then turns to see what it was that caught my attention. 

While it's distracted I take this opportunity to snatch the key from where it lays near the door. Time to get this over with. 

"HEY!" It turns almost to fast toward me. I watch as it's eyes turn a darker shade of black. Didn't think that was possible. I hold the key up in my right hand just high enough for it to see. "LOOKING FOR SOMETHING?" I know it's stupid to taught a demon, especially a demon that's possessed your older brother, but I've had it. I want my life back. 

It makes a noise between a growl and a scream then rushes toward me. I've already opened up the attic door so all I have to do is dash inside. 

Stupid me, I forget to close it. 

As I'm nearly falling up the stairs I hear it closing in behind me. Then a whoosh comes from up above and I turn around just in time to see the creature fall to the ground. 

"You've hurt enough people. It's time to put everyone to rest." Chase? 

I look up just in time to see the boy who's been sitting next to me all year jump over my head and land near the creature. He catches my eye and nods in the direction of the roof. "Get the hell out of here and go bury that blasted board." 

Without thinking I nod my head several times. What's gotten into him? Where did he even come from? 

He doesn't even glance back in my direction; just closes the attic door and leaves me on my own.

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