Story Of Willow

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My name is Willow Jane Aubrey. I was raised in this house between 1927 and 1943. My father was Jedadia Aubrey, he was a well respected man back then. My mother died long before I could make any memory of her. Father had rules and I disobeyed several times. Only to get sent away into the city. He wanted me to marry a man of his choosing but I wanted to be with the man I'd come to be quit fond of. His name was Samuel James. He was the light of my world. 

One evening I came home to tell my father that I had been selected to go to one of the top finishing schools. It was such great news. It's a shame I didn't sense something was off that day. I always knew there was something not right about this house. Just could never figure it out. 

Anyway, I went toward my father's study, back then it was the largest room in the house. Now I see that it serves as your family's living room. I'm not sure I know what that is. 

I went to his study and opened the doors only to find my dear father murdered. I was expecting a child. It was Samuel's and I had yet to tell him. I had yet to tell either one of them. 

Except what I found that day I will never forget. I might be trapped here but my memories will never fade away. That is something it can not take from me. It is a demon. A demon very ancient. It took my Samuel long before that day. The warning signs I did not see. For it is very good at hiding. Of course, I suspect it's slipping up because it wants the board back. Don't give it back. Whatever you do. 

For whatever reason that board holds most of its power. The only way to get rid of it is to bury the board on hollowed ground. Then do a cleansing of the house. That will stop this creature from ever hurting anyone again. That will bring my Samuel back to me. 

He didn't kill us. I know that now. It was that thing that took our lives. The life of his soon to be child. It wasn't him. Yet, if they find out they will blame him. His reputation from the past will be tarnished. I may be dead but I don't want that to happen. Not to his lineage.

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