Hint Hint

6 1 0

Well, I was going to throw the note away but something about it has caught my attention. It almost exactly risible the paper that's inside the old desk in the corner of my room. Only difference is it's pristine white. Gently but with haste I unfold it to find very strange almost absurd words. That honestly make no freaking sense to me.

I've walked these halls

For thousands of years

I could be right behind you

You'd never be missed

Four in three

Easy as pie

Say my name

If you dare to try

What's any of this supposed to mean? I shudder inwardly and cram the note unceremoniously into my book bag. This has to be some sick twisted joke or something right? This has to be a joke. That's it. It's just a joke. 

I chuckle softly to myself as I gather books for my next class. Only problem is, I feel eyes burning holes in the back of my head. Turning slowly, I see that boy who's been sitting next to me in class. He's still watching me. I can't help but wonder what his problem is.

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