Waiting Game

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It's been months since anything odd has happened in this house. I'm not buying it. I don't know what kind of game he's decided to play but I'm not playing. I don't want to. 

Doesn't look like I have a choice. Although my dad and my mom are back to normal, my brother has been acting very strange lately. I've tried to tell this to my parents but they just keep saying that I'm imagining things.

Imagining things!?!?

I don't imagine my older brother staring at me in the middle of the night on the other side of my door. I don't image his eyes as he watches me going from light blue to almost black. I don't imagine his voice changing into a demons. 

Yet, it doesn't seem like they can see any of these changes. I guess it's all just going to be a waiting game. The only thing that I seem to be waiting for is this demons next move.

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